The Kidnapping

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In the year that passed since Order 66, Jett and Grogu were growing accustomed to life in Bhor's clan. Jett spent her days growing and harvesting black melons, helping out around the encampment, and watching Grogu.

Now that he could sit up by himself, Jett was able to teach him a few things about the force. They meditated at night and practiced levitating objects. But while she was a teacher, she was also a mom. She used Breezy to help read him stories and helped him reach his milestones. He was crawling now. For a species that aged so slowly, it seemed like Grogu was growing up too fast.

It was a normal, hot and sunny day out in The Needles, where Bhor's encampment was. Jett, Grogu, and Bhor were out together. This was a mission to find a rumoured source of water at the bottom of the canyon. Bhor thought Jett would be able to use the force to sense the water.

"Do you feel anything yet?" Bhor asked. Jett shook her head. "Keep trying."

"Can't if you won't let me concentrate," she signed to him in Tusken. Her eyes flew open. "Do you hear that?"

"Hear what?"

"The whizzing. Don't you—"

She forced him down to the ground, dodging a blaster. Three creatures on speeder bikes were surrounding them.

"Bounty hunters!" Bhor said.

There's no way they're taking me alive.

The battle ensued. Jett immediately took out her pike.

"What? There's two Jedi?" one of them said.

"Who cares? Just blast them!" said another.

Jett used the force to send one of them tumbling into the canyon. Bhor tried to put up a fight, but a sword was no match for a stun gun. Jett was able to toss the stun gun guy as well, but the last one was the problem. He had darts. One his Jett straight in the neck. She froze up and fell to the ground. Her whole body was numb.

"Well, well. What do we have here? Another Jedi?" Jett looked up. There was a Durro in a brown hat above her. His grin was sinister. "You can't hide your little friend forever."

He snatched Grogu out of the pram as he cried. Jett tried as hard as she could to move, but it was no use. The Durro got into a speeder that was nearby.

"You won't be able to move until tomorrow, so I suggest you stop fighting it," he said, speeding away with Grogu.

"B-bah! Bah!" said Jett.

"I know. This sucks. Can you move?" asked Bhor.


"The gun my guy used was cheap junk. I'll get up in a little bit. Any minute now." He sighed. "Nope. Can't do it. I'm sure someone will come out looking for us."

Jett's new mount, Sassi, walked over. She sniffed Jett and licked her in the face.

"Ahh!" Jett said.

"She's just making sure you're okay," Bhor said.

"Nah nah nah!" Jett said.

In sheer panic, Jett had to stay put until she could move, which didn't happen until her and Bhor were rescued by members of their clan and brought back to their encampment. Eon, the medic, gave the two some horrible-tasting medicine, but it did the trick. In an hour, Jett was able to move her hands again.

Her newfound friends and family were enraged that someone had taken Grogu. Jett and Bhor took some time alone to figure out how to get him back. With Breezy by her side, Jett and Bhor got to work.

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