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When everyone got back to camp, it was time to celebrate. Clone losses were minimal, all four Jedi hadn't obtained even a scratch, and the communication center was nothing but rubble now. This was surely going to cripple at least some of the Separatists.

Everyone settled in for a celebration dinner around a big bonfire. There were all kinds of delicious meats to chow down on. Jett and Rosa eventually found some time to be off on their own. They sat down near the edge of camp and admired all the stars.

There's so much light pollution on Coruscant. This looks so...different. It looks like when Hal and I go testing on Tatooine.

"Sure does. You should see all the stars and things you can see on different planets! It's so cool!"

"Mmm," said Jett.

"What's a'matter, bestest pal?"

No. I can't say.

Rosa gasped. "You've got a secret! You have ta tell me!"

Jett sighed. Okay, so you know how Anakin doesn't have a Padawan right now?


Well...and you have to promise not to say anything, okay?

"Yeah, yeah, I promise. Just tell me!"

He wants you to be his Padawan.

"M-me?" Rosa was giddy, bouncing up and down and blushing from head to tail. "Oh

my gosh! I can't believe I'm gonna be his new Padawan! This is the best—"

Jett gagged and tried to catch her breath. There was nothing but a high-pitched ring in her ears. She felt the vibrations on the ground. Clones were running over. A ship was coming up. Three Hutts were on it. They were shooting at the clones. The ship had a crane attachment. It reached over and picked up Rosa's lifeless, dismembered body.

No. No. This is a dream.

Jett reached out with her free hand. She had to get to Rosa.

Seconds later she was up, thrown over Plo Koon's shoulder as he rushed her to one of the tents. As they ran towards the camp, Anakin ran in the other direction. He drew his lightsaber and force-jumped onto the ship.

Jett gagged as she saw the trail of blood she was leaving on the ground. She cried out, screaming and screaming. She could feel her throat vibrating and getting hoarse, but there was no sound.

You'll be alright, Jett, Plo Koon said to her.

"Nah! Nah!" Jett said, kicking her legs as she was brought into the medical tent.

Rosa! Rosa! We have to go get Rosa!

Out of the corner of her eye, although her vision was filling with spots, she saw Troy, one of the clone medics she met earlier. He helped place her onto a cot. Jett tried to push him away with her free hand. Her other arm was...

My arm is gone! Where is it? Where's my arm?

More clones were coming over, trying to hold her down, trying to seal the wound on her shoulder.

Get off me, you stupid clones!

Jett struggled and fought. The clones continued to hold her down.

Jett, they're trying to help you, Plo Koon said to her. He was watching from the other side of the room.

Jett ignored his words. She was getting to Rosa. She was getting out of this tent with the bright lights and all the clones that were overloading her senses. With the little wiggle room she had, she started reaching for her pike.

Plo Koon saw as her hand wrapped around it. He held out his hand and ripped her pike right from her. In a split second, Jett threw all three clones holding her down to the floor and walls of the tent with the force. Plo Koon was coming towards her. She held up her hand and raised him off the floor, using a move she never thought she'd have to use: a force choke.

She set him down and used the few seconds she had to make an escape. She staggered outside of the tent, blood-soaked bandages hanging off of her shoulder. She could see Rosa surrounded by clones in the distance. She could make it but she was just so...dizzy.

I lost so much blood...what's happening to me?

When she could no longer stand, she started to crawl. It took everything she had to keep moving forward. Rosa. Rosa. Rosa!

"Ra-ah! Ra-ah!" she said, before gagging on the blood filling her throat.

Footsteps were fast approaching behind her. Although she could barely see with her spotty vision, she knew it was Troy. And just for a brief second, her hearing came back.

"Nighty night, Jett!" said Troy.

He jammed something into her neck. She no longer had the energy to fight. Her eyes felt heavy, and she was out like a light. 

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