Meet The Krayt Dragons

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"So this is our homeroom," said Chella.

Jett looked around the bright and colorful room. This was even more vibrant than Miss Art's nursery. All of the Krayt Dragon kids were waiting patiently on the spotted rug, which sat on the floor in the back of the room. Yoda was sitting with them. Jett joined everyone right away.

"Wow, what a great job patiently waiting, Krayt Dragons! Are we ready for our fun activity?" asked Chella.

"Yeah!" said all the Krayt Dragons.

"So around our room, I put different kinds of activities. We have lots of different kinds of paints, modeling goop, and clicking blocks. You can go to whatever table you want, but you can only pick one. Part of being a Jedi is making tough choices, and this will be your first trial in doing so. So many fun things, but which will you pick? Hmm?" she put her finger against her chin. "Ten. Nine. Eight..."

All the kids scrambled to their feet and rushed to find the table they wanted. Jett saw the one with the color sticks as soon as she walked in, so that was right where she was going. Roi followed closely behind her. Two other Krayt Dragons sat across from them.

"Three! Two! One!" said Chella. "A lot of times, a Jedi can find themselves in a sticky situation. You have to think quickly, and use the force to guide you in making quick decisions. Now for this assignment, I'd like you to draw or make something that you like. Anything at all that makes you happy. You'll tell us all about what you made when I stop the time. And, of course, no talking. And...go!"

This was an easy task for Jett. She started drawing an astromech. She was even going to give it blue patches, just like her new friend R2-D2. Next to her, she could see Roi making a big triangle shape, which she guessed would be a starfighter.

"Uh...ecks kyuz mee!" said the Hutt girl, who was at a table alone.

"Yes, dear?" asked Master Chella.

"Kanvaa have do paintbrush?" the Hutt asked, motioning with her hand. "I...paintbrush?"

"A paintbrush? No, dear! You don't need one of those. Not here. These..." Chella put out her palms. "These are finger paints! You use your hands!" The Hutt seemed lost. "Here. Look."

Chella took one of the Hutt's slimy fingers and dipped it into some green paint. The Hutt lit up with excitement and began dipping each of her fingers in a different color. Jett got back to coloring until Chella said, "Okay everyone, put on your finishing touches!"

"Psst, look Jett!" Roi said, holding up the picture of himself in, of course, a starfighter.

No, Roi! You forgot to put the astromech in it! Jett said.

"Oh, whoops!" Roi whispered, quickly grabbing another color stick.

He finished scribbling in the astromech right as Chella said, "Time's up!"

All the Krayt Dragons put down their color sticks, paint brushes, blocks, or hands—specifically, the happy Hutt who was now covered head-to-tail in fingerpaints. She raised one of her paint-covered hands

"Yes, dear?" asked Chella.

"Kavaa bolla wash mya kapa?" she asked.

"Yes. Go right ahead."

The Hutt left her place at the table and washed up at the sink in the back of the room, then quickly slithered back to her place.

"Alrighty! So now that we've all made our wonderful creations, who would like to share first?" asked Chella.

"Oh! Mee'll bolla! Me! Me!" said the Hutt.

"Excellent! But before you start, let's get to know you! We have so many different creatures from different places in the galaxy. So everyone can tell us their name, species, and where you came from, and then tell us about what you made," said Chella with a big smile.

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