Initiate Trials

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he morning of Zheliday, Jett and Rosa were getting ready for their Initiate Trials. Jett was fixing her hair in the mirror. Now, at age twelve, she was struggling with the tail end of human puberty, and it was far from pleasant. She finished braiding her hair, then layered her face with foundation to cover up her embarrassing acne.

"Jett?" Rosa said. Jett turned around to face her bestest pal. "I just wanna say, it was a real pleasure having you as my roommate. You dealt with all of my smells and all of my sliminess, and hardly ever complained!"

I got used to it after a while. Jett smiled. I'll miss living with you too. I'm gonna feel really lonely.

"But we'll still train here every day! Well, all the days that I'm not fightin' in battles."

"Ladies! I hope you're decent!" said a voice outside the door, which was now opening. Master Chella stood there with her same usual smile. "We're all going together. Are you two ready?"

"Always!" said Rosa.

They walked through the halls of the Jedi Temple with the rest of their clanmates. This would be the very last time they made up the Krayt Dragons. After today, they'd all be individual Padawans.

When they got to the room where the Trials would be given, Yoda was standing outside the door.

"Welcome, Krayt Dragons," he said.

"Master Yoda! What a special surprise. It's an honor to have you greet the kids before their Trials," Chella said.

"An honor, yes. But just a greeting, this is not," he said, his wrinkled green face turning into a smile. "Overseeing the Trials, I shall be."

All of the Krayt Dragons gasped. Yoda never oversaw the Initiate Trials. It was usually high-ranking masters or members of the Jedi Council.

Yoda opened the doors, and Rosa let out a huge gasp when she saw the other man standing in the room. She was squealing and shaking Jett.

"Hey there, Krayt Dragons!" said Anakin Skywalker.

"Here to assist in the overseeing of your trials, is Anakin Skywalker. Press the buttons and write down the scores, he will," said Yoda.

"Master Yoda, with all due respect, I can do much more than what you're giving me," said Anakin.

Yoda couldn't even answer because he was suddenly distracted by the giggles and chuckles of all the Krayt Dragons. Rosa's face was in a full blush, and she had both of her hands stuffed into her mouth: a method she used when trying to quiet herself down.

"Rosa The Hutt! A problem, is there?" Yoda asked her.

"N-no, Master Yoda!" she said nervously.

"Hmm, a terrible liar, you are!" said Yoda.

"I think she's just got excited jitters!" said Anakin. "How about you go first then, Rosa?"

"An excellent idea! Two groups of three, one of four. You will be in the first group," Yoda said to her.

Rosa nodded. "Okay. I'm ready!"

Yoda selected Beebo and J'hute to go in Rosa's group. The rest of the class was taken into a mediation room with Chella down the hall, so they could focus and relax. In the auditorium on the other side of the temple, Miss Art sat in the front row with Grogu on her lap. He was having some separation anxiety and refused to be left with the droid watching the nursery room.

The screen in the front of the room came to life. Miss Art watched as Yoda instructed the three hopeful Initiates on their exam. Their names flashed on the screen.

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