Jett and Luke

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Jett and Luke sat down at the table in the back of the room. Jett's daughter was back to hiding under the chair. Ohdiz brought them tall glasses of water.

    "Can I get you anything else?" he asked.

    Please don't mind my brother. He's nervous. Never met another Jedi before.

    Luke chuckled. "I'm good with the water, thanks."

    Ohdiz walked away, and while on Jett's lap, Grogu started chowing down on the plate of cookies.

    So, Skywalker? Are you in Anakin's family?

    "Yeah. He was my father."

    Jett nearly choked on the water she was drinking. Pardon? He had kids?

    "Yeah. I learned he was my father much later on. I even ended up kissing my sister Leia before they retconned it."

Ah. I hate it when that happens. Was your mother another Jedi who lived at the Temple?

"No. Padme Amidala was my mother. She died when we were born."

Jett gasped. I can't even tell you how many rumours I heard about them being a thing. But to each their own. After the Order fell I didn't really follow the rules either. After setting Grogu onto the table, she pulled her daughter onto her lap. This is my daughter, Rosa.

"Hello Rosa," said Luke. Rosa buried her head into Jett's shoulder. "She's force-sensitive. But you already knew that, didn't you?" 

    Of course. I've been training her in the ways of the force at night. She's a fast learner. I'm hoping to somehow have her get a kyber crystal so she can have a lightsaber when she gets older. She's the heir to our group of Tuskens after my blood partner and I perish. I see her leading the group, riding her bantha with her lightsaber.

    "She seems like a natural-born leader to me," said Luke. He looked down at Grogu, who was still stuffing his face with cookies, leaving a mess of crumbs everywhere. "My new Padawan...maybe not so much."

    You're taking Grogu as your Padawan?

    "Yes. I'm actually starting up my own Jedi Academy. We're going to rebuild the Temple on Coruscant."

    Wow. Really?

    "I think you'd make an excellent teacher. You seem like you have a lot of experience, especially having two kids of your own."

    Two kids? What? I know Grogu calls me 'Momma' and everything but...he's not technically my child.

    "I...wasn't talking about Grogu, actually."

    Jett reached down and placed her hand against her abdomen.

    "Wait, you didn't know, Mom?" Rosa asked. "He's strong with the force, like me."

    I'm forty-five. We thought it was too late to have kids when I had Rosa.

    "If I learned anything from saving the galaxy, it's that it's never too late. My father left the dark side right before he died, and became one with the force."

    Aww. That's wonderful. Anakin was such a nice guy. I'm glad he didn't die a Sith, like my friend Roi.

    "Did you know him well?"

Anakin? Of course! He ran my Initiate Trials, and we did a mission together. I lost my arm on Geonosis and he sent me a really sweet holocron afterwards when I was in the Halls of Healing. I was really disappointed when I saw him as Darth Vader.

    "You saw him when he was Darth Vader, and you're still here to talk about it?" Luke asked.

    Barely. He sliced me open. A Jedi named Sha Koon gave her life so I could escape the Jedi Temple with Grogu, who healed me just in time to get away.

    "Ah. So I guess that answers the question of who saved him from the Temple before the Mandalorian found him," said Luke.

    A Mandalorian?

    Yay! Daddy Mando! said Grogu, clapping his little hands.

    "He was on Arvala-7. A Mandalorian bounty hunter found him and they went on a grand adventure to finally get Grogu to another Jedi. I was the one he called out to."

    Wow. That must've been quite a story, huh Grogu?

    "Uh-huh," he said, putting the last cookie into his mouth.

    A year after I rescued him, I fought an inquisitor and then gave Grogu to some rebels to take care of him. I knew he'd be safer. I don't know how he ended up on Arvala-7. But I guess you can't answer every single question.

    "I guess not," said Luke, letting out another chuckle. "So, what do you say? Would you and Rosa like to come back to Coruscant with us?"

    I appreciate the offer, but I have to decline. I need to be here with my family.

    Luke sighed. "Okay. But you're always welcome."

    Thanks. I appreciate that.

    "Is there anything at all I can do for you, Jett? To show my gratitude for you risking your life and saving Grogu? I have a ship."

    "Hmm." Well, there is one thing. Would you be able to give me a ride somewhere?


    "Ah-da! Ah-da!" Jett said, tapping on the table. Ohdiz looked up from the counter he was cleaning. Again. She clapped for Breezy. "I need you to tell Bhor to come back and get Sassi. Tell him I'll be back with Rosa in two days. Also, can I borrow two thousand credits?"

    "Two thousand? You're lucky you're my sister. That's for sure." Ohdiz took a wad of credits out of the cash register drawer and handed them to Jett. "What's this all about?"

    "Luke is going to give me a ride somewhere."

    "Where's that?" he asked. 

    "If I tell you you'll get jealous."

    "That's an amazing astromech," said Luke, cutting them off. "It looks a lot like my R2 unit."

    You...have an astromech?

    "Yeah. His name's R2-D2."

    What? You have R2 now? This is amazing! Jett leapt up from her seat, grabbing her mask and putting it on. "See ya Ohdiz."

    "Where are we going?" Rosa asked.

    Someplace really fun.

    They all walked out the door, and Jett quickly stopped to say goodbye to Sassi the bantha.

    "Buh buh, Sas," Jett said, scratching right above the bantha's nose.

    When they boarded the ship, Jett made an excited squeal. She didn't realize how much she missed R2. He happily beeped and communicated with Breezy. Jett buckled Rosa into a seat.

    Are you ready to go to space, Rosa?


    Luke buckled Grogu in the seat next to Rosa. Jett sat next to him up front.

    "Where are we going, Jett?" asked Luke.

    I know the coordinates. I'll punch them in.

    She reached over and got the coordinates entered into the ship.

    "Spira? I don't blame you. I've heard it's beautiful," said Luke.

    I have some unfinished business there.

    "Okay. Off we go," said Luke.

    He lifted the ship into the air. They flew above Tatooine and into hyperspace, set on the course for Spira.

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