The Last of Us

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Jett awoke to the sun hitting her eyes. She coughed and opened the cockpit to get some air in her lungs, but what she got was mostly sand. She grabbed her canteen and had a few sips of water, then took off her robe.

    Breezy had her solar panels out and was beeping up a storm next to the ship. Jett groaned and shook her head.

    "Yes, I have the right coordinates, Breezy. This is the right place." Breezy folded up her panels. "Everyone else is coming from really far away. Maybe we're just the first ones here." Breezy whirred and shook on her struts. "No! We have to wait right here. If we move, they might miss us. Besides, there's all kinds of bad people out here. We can't risk losing the ship."

    And I'll wait as long as it takes. We're the new hope. I can't abandon my post.

    Jett used the force to create a small dugout underneath the ship. Her and Breezy were able to make themselves comfortable there for a while.

The minutes turned into hours. The hours turned into days. Jett became weary and shaking from hunger. All the water was gone from her canteen. She ate all the spare snacks she kept in the ship. There was nothing left. Time was running out. Pretty soon she'd have to fly to a town and get something to eat with her spare credits.

    As she was about to fall asleep on the fourth night, she could feel a strong force presence. She peeked out from under her covers. There was an Eopie with a hooded mount in the distance. Jett could feel it: it was Obi-Wan. She crawled out from under the ship, lit up her pike so he could see her, and reached out to him through the force. However, she didn't get an answer. When they finally got close enough, he hopped off his mount.

    "Well, hello there, Jett," he said.

    Master Kenobi, I came to the coordinates, just like I was supposed to. Where is the rest of the Recon Squad? It's been four days.

    "I'm afraid that no one else is coming, Jett," he said.

    No! That can't be right! There were fifteen of us! We're all skilled Jedi!

    "There aren't any more Jedi left, Jett. A few of us escaped, but that's all."

    "Nah! Nah!" Jett said, shaking her head.

    "I'm sorry, Jett, but you'll have to find your own path now."

    But I don't know what to do! I worked in the Tech Center! All I know how to do is build explosives! I don't have any survival skills.

    "Well, I do have something important I need to attend to but...I can definitely stay with you for a little while. We Jedi who are left...we need to look out for each other."

    Yes! Thank you so so much Obi Wan!

    They settled down and began making a fire. Obi Wan showed Jett all the steps. She learned how to hunt and cook all the nasty little creatures of the desert, along with building a shelter and drawing moisture from the sand. They spent nights bonding and telling stories around the campfire.

    And then, Dorn pulled me up on stage! He—

    The two Jedi looked up, hearing the whirring noise coming from Jett's ship. Obi Wan was quick to get to his feet.

    "That's a distress signal. I feel we should answer it."

    Okay. Let's check it out.

    They climbed aboard the small ship and Jett answered, only because of the coordinates that were coming up on the screen.

    "That's the Temple!" said Obi Wan. "Be careful. This could be a trap."

    It's not. I can tell.

    Jett turned behind her to see Breezy coming aboard, right as a hologram appeared on the ship. Jett gasped.

    "My goodness...that's a youngling!" said Obi Wan.

    Not just any's Grogu.

    Grogu was sitting on the floor in a dark room, shaking a bag of cookies he must've found. Jett clapped for Breezy and started signing.

    "Grogu, are you okay?" He nodded and clapped his hands. Jett looked at Obi Wan and said, I recognize that room. That's Miss Art's storage closet. He's hiding in there.. I have to go rescue him.

    "That's terribly risky. Jedi are being hunted, and I'm sure they're sweeping the Temple for any survivors. There's no guarantee you'll be able to get to him in time."

    He's hid in a closet for this long. If they were going to find him, they would've found him by now.

    "Grogu, please stay where you are. I'm coming!" said Breezy.

    "I'm not sure he can even understand you, Jett," said Obi Wan.

    Jett reached out to the hologram and touched it. She watched as Grogu put his palm against it. She could feel it. She could feel a little baby palm right against hers, from all these miles away. She could feel where he was in the nursery: a closet barricaded by fallen debris.

    He's not going to leave the closet. He's physically trapped there.

    She closed her eyes and tried to reach him.

    Grogu...if you can hear this, I'm coming to save you.

    Okay. Me want snacky snack! Bye bye.

    He ended the transmission. Jett looked back at Obi Wan.

    I know it's risky, but I have to do this. You should come with me.

    "I'm afraid that I cannot. There's something else I must take care of. I'm sorry, Jett."

    More important? With all due respect, Master Obi Wan, but what could be more important than saving a baby Jedi?

    " Jedi."

    Huh? What?

    "There is another child here on Tatooine. I must watch over them. The fate of the galaxy and Jedi Order could depend on it. Those are all the details I can give. I'm afraid I can't tell you anymore, Jett."

    Are they the new hope you were talking about in the holocron?

    "I believe so. I hope so," he said.

    Jett crossed her arms and huffed. I mean, that's great and all, but I was really hoping it would be us: The Jedi Recon Squad.

    "There are many pieces to rebuilding the Jedi Order. I'm sure a youngling like Grogu is one of them." He took out a piece of paper and wrote down coordinates for her. "When you retrieve Grogu, meet me here."

    Okay. I will.

    "Best of luck, Jett. May the force be with you."

    Obi Wan waved as he rode away, watching Jett's ship take off. He sighed and did his best to keep his composure. Going back to the Jedi Temple was suicide. He knew full well that he wouldn't see Jett ever again.

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