Operation Playdate

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Jett and Bhor sat together with Breezy and went over their new plan, "Operation Playdate," to save Grogu.

"Just how many guys do you think we're slicing?" he asked.

"I don't know, Bhor."

"Okay. So it'll be a surprise! I love these kinds of surprises!"

The ship jolted out of hyperspace. In the orbit of the planet Kudo, Jett could see a large Praxium ship painted with the Galactic Empire's logo.

"Aww, no! Don't tell me he's on that big one!" said Bhor.

"Mmm," Jett whined.

Bhor let out a long, groaning sigh. "Alright. Let's slice and dice!"

"I'll dock us, we'll sneak on, and you'll let me lead the way."

"I hope you know that's easier said than done."

"Docking is easy. I've done it a lot of times."

"No. I mean letting someone else lead the way."

"You don't want to be in the front of this party. Trust me."

Jett pulled around the back of the ship, right into one of the unused docking ports. Breezy worked on getting the doors open. When they parted, Jett and Bhor went in. Jett held her hand out, closed her eyes, and felt for Grogu.

Grogu, can you hear me? Momma's here! Where are you?

Huh? Jett? Is that you?

She opened her eyes and stepped back, falling into the wall and using it for support.

"What's up, Jett?" Bhor asked. They heard small, trotting steps coming down the hall. Bhor chuckled and drew his sword. "Perfect! A small fry is my perfect warm up!"

Bhor raised his sword and came out from behind the corner. Jett used the force to pull him back. Around the corner from them was a small pit droid. But this wasn't just any pit droid.

"Jett! You're alive!" he said.

Jett ran over and hugged him. "Bah! Bah bah!"

"I'm lost," said Bhor.

"This is my good friend Beebo. He's a Jedi. We were raised together."

"Hello!" said Beebo as he waved.

"Beebo, how did you survive? All the other Jedi are dead."

"Well, not all of them...I know I've always said that I'm not just a droid, but it kinda came in handy. When all the clones were shooting up the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, I took off my Jedi clothes and lined up with all the other droids. Eventually I got placed on this ship! How did you escape, Jett?"

"I ran. Now I'm kind of a sand person."

"That's okay. I'm just really glad to see you after all this time!" said Beebo.

"I can't believe you heard me."

I spent the last year meditating and training. I've been working really hard.

I'm really proud of you, Beebo.

"So, what are you guys doing here? Are you with the little green baby?" asked Beebo.

Yes. Grogu.

"Will you help us?" asked Bhor.

"Of course. I'll take you right to him. But do you think you can help me take out the inquisitor? I'm trying to gain control of the ship and rendezvous with my rebel pals! This ship will be such a huge asset for us to have."

That's why I'm here. I want to destroy the menace who ordered the bounty hunter to take my little Grogu!

"We'll have to fight our way in," said Beebo.

"Brr brr!" said Breezy.

Jett took out her pike and twisted it. It came apart into two separate lightsabers. Jett went to give him one, but Beebo held up his hand. He opened the top of his head and took out his own lightsaber.

"I'd never let anything happen to this," he said.

He lit up his blue lightsaber, and the group started going down the hall. Jett and Beebo were in perfect sync with each other. They encountered some troopers, who looked like they were clones but had slightly different armour.

The troopers immediately noticed Jett and Bhor, ordering them to stop. Bhor got to punching with his brass knuckles while Jett and Beebo were tossing them around like ragdolls with the force. The alarm began to wail while they were halfway through the next level. Just one more hallway, and they'd be near the holding cells.

The pit droids, Beebo's once fellow comrades, began shooting at them. It was easy to deflect their blasts with the lightsabers. Bhor was able to finish them off with his sword as Beebo grimmaced at the carnage of his former friends.

Breezy flew ahead of them, towards where everyone could hear Grogu crying. Bhor, Jett, and Beebo took out the rest of the troopers and pit droids with ease. It was an open run to Grogu's holding cell.

"Ha! That was almost too easy!" said Bhor.

It was a moment of victory, right up until Breezy came rushing down the hallway. Her arms were out of her head, and she was frantic. They could still hear Grogu crying.

"Wha? Wha?" Jett asked Breezy.

"Brr! Brr burp!" she said.

They ran past her and to the cell. It was empty. The cries that they heard from Grogu were playing on a holchron in the middle of the cell. Jett and Bhor looked at each other with mixed emotions. All the lights went out. In seconds, the hallway was filled with gas.

"Hurry! Hold your breath!" said Beebo, but it was too late.

Jett and Bhor found themselves gasping on the floor, their vision fading away as their eyelids got heavier and heavier. Jett fought as hard as she could to get back up, but she couldn't. She saw Beebo's lightsaber go out and heard a whooshing sound, like he was being dragged forward.

When she woke up, her hands and legs were restrained. Beebo, Jett, and Bhor were all restrained in the same fashion, with their arms held high above their heads. Jett frantically looked around for Breezy. She wasn't here.

"Bah bah bah!" said Jett, trying to get Bhor's attention.

"Agh...what happened?" he said, starting to struggle against the chains. "Hey, what the?"

"It's no use. We're doomed," said Beebo.

Remember that speech by Master Plo that we got to watch about having hope in battle. It's not over 'till it's over, Beebo!

"That's easy for you to say! You haven't seen this inquisitor!"

The doors behind them opened and closed. A massive creature walked into the room. It was a big Harch. He held Grogu, who was crying and wailing. The little baby was held together with a wrap around his body so he couldn't move his arms or legs. Jett felt like she had creepy-crawlies going up and down her body. Grogu hated being swaddled, and this thing he was in looked even worse.

The big Harch walked over to Jett and narrowed all of his eyes at her. He smiled and began to laugh.

"So we meet again, Jett, tck-tck-tck-tck-tck!" 

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