Everything After

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Jett and Bhor flew back down to Mos Espa, dropped off the ship, and rode their banthas back to their encampment. All the members of their group gave Jett solem hugs of support. Bhor explained what happened to them when she went back into her tent.

    Jett stayed inside for several days, not moving, trying to find the will to leave the one spot she was in. She hadn't eaten, no matter how many times they tried to bring her food. The weight of everything felt like far too much. All her friends were gone or dead. She knew almost nothing but the Jedi Order, and Obi Wan was off somewhere else, Beebo was too busy  being a Rebel, and now Grogu was gone too. But at least Breezy was faithfully by her side.

    "Jett?" Bhor asked, moving the flap of her tent aside and walking in.

    "You can't just barge in here."

    "Everyone is worried about you. We're preparing a feast tonight in solidarity with your suffering."

    "That's nice of you."

    "The children miss the stories you and Breezy would tell them about your time at the Temple."

    "And I miss the child I had."

    "Jett, he wasn't your child."

    "Gah! Gah!" she said. She balled her hands into fists and pounded them into the sand. She took a moment to collect herself. "Blood does not make a family. You should know that better than anyone."

    "Blood could make you and me a family. I'm the only other human here. I don't have a partner." Jett looked over and saw that his mask was off. He winked.

    "Bah! Nah!" she said. She turned back to Breezy. "You perv!"

    "Hey, I've been a sand person for the past few years, and I grew up isolated on a farm! I don't know how to talk to humans. Cut me a break." He sighed. "Just...I like you a lot, alright. If you ever want to be blood partners and start a family together, I'm down. Just come eat with us, okay? Tell the kids a story. It'll make you feel better."

    Bhor got up and left the tent. Jett smiled to herself, walked over to the outdoor shower, cleaned herself, got changed, and went to dinner with Breezy. All of her group members brayed with happiness when they saw her and Breezy coming.

    Their dinner was a delicious buffet of meat, eggs, and fruit. Jett signed back and forth with her friends, the other women who were close in age to her. Asha, who had delivered her baby while Jett was away saving Grogu, handed her newborn over to Jett. It helped fill the emptiness she felt from always having Grogu with her.

    After their meal, Jett handed the baby back over to Asha. The kids lined up around the fire. They were braying and signing for Jett to tell them the story of how she slayed the Krayt Dragon again. It was their favorite, but she wanted to do something more lighthearted. Jett began to sign for them in Tusken.

    "Tonight, I'm going to tell you the story of the day I took my first droid repair class, and accidentally programmed the droid to attack my teacher."

    The kids were all tuned in. Jett told her story and everyone dissipated after the ending. Bhor was asleep in his tent, the biggest of them all. Jett went in and stood by the entrance with Breezy, which caused him to stir.

    He quickly sat up and grabbed his sword, then sighed. "Oh, it's only you, Jett."

    "I did some thinking."

    "You're gonna do it, aren't ya? You'll be my blood partner?" he said, getting up and placing both of her hands in his. She quickly drew them back. "You lost me there, Jett."

    "I need more time, Bhor. These feelings are new to me. Jedi don't fall in love. They don't have children. We're not allowed."

    "Which I don't get. Force sensitivity runs in families. Why wouldn't they want to strengthen their army by having more and more force-sensitive kids?"

    "Don't look at me. I didn't make the rules."

    "Which don't exist anymore, because the Order doesn't exist anymore. You need to free yourself from that mindset."

    "In time, Bhor. Just give me time."

    "I will be patient. I promise," he said.

    In the time that passed since that night, Jett continued to grow accustomed to her life as a sand person. She furthered her bond with her mount, Sassi, and traveled the desert with her group, setting up encampments where they could. They spent two years near an abandoned moisture farm, but were thrown out by a competing group of Tuskens.

It was a hard life, but Jett found great joy in telling stories to the children at night. She was given the honorable role of Storyteller, learning the stories of her group and telling them to the children along with her Jedi stories. The children, of course, always wanted to hear the Jedi stories instead of their own history.

A long, long time after the Republic fell, Jett was telling more stories to the children around the fire. But suddenly, she was interrupted. Colorful objects were shooting across the sky. Most of her group had never seen them before. They were all amazed, the kids especially. Unbeknownst to everyone, it was a celebration of the Empire finally falling.

Everyone stopped what they were doing to crowd together and look up at the sky. Bhor put a hand on the back of his blood partner, rubbing her massive, protruding abdomen with the other. Just a few weeks shy of her fortieth birthday, and after trying so long for a child, Jett and Bhor thought the time had passed them by. This child was their miracle.

Their daughter was born the very next morning. She had her father's black hair and her mother's jade green eyes. A massive celebration ensued. A baby was always a big deal, but their leader and his blood partner having a child called for an entire week of festivities. They played music, danced, and feasted for days.

Jett spent the time bonding with her new daughter, once again feeling the love she had for Grogu, who, after all this time, she still felt connected to. On the last night of the festivities, she sat out under the stars, holding her baby, and put up her hand. Grogu had been in the same position for a number of years, and she could tell he was going to be moving soon, with an epic adventure to follow.

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