Making A Plan

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Bhor, Jett, Breezy, and Ohdiz sat around a table in the closed bar. Malcolm and Zala, Ohdiz's adoptive parents, handed each of them a glass of water.

"Thank you for bringing us into your place," said Bhor.

"It's not a problem. We never thought we would meet Ohdiz's sister. He's talked about you quite a bit," said Zala.

"You have?" said Breezy. Jett looked over at her brother. "I thought you wouldn't know who I was."

"Mom and Dad talked about you all the time. They were so happy that you became a Jedi," said Ohdiz. "They said you were doing great things and saving the galaxy."

"So I heard you need a ship?" asked Malcom.

"Yes. A baby Jedi who was in my care was stolen by a bounty hunter. He was a Durro."

"That Cad Bane...always making cameos!" said Malcom. "We do have a ship, but it's a little worse for wear. You'll probably need some parts. A hyperdrive, specifically."

"Gah! Gah!" said Jett, slamming her fists on the table.

"I'm gonna say that Jett is not talented in ship repair," said Bhor.

"Talented? I know nothing. I took all the droid-repairing electives."

"Let me help!" said Ohdiz.

"Uh, you're like ten, kid," said Bhor.

"Eleven! And I can help! My old dad and I used to work on ships together."

Bhor and Jett looked at eachother, then nodded.

"You will work on the ship, little man. Jett and I will track down a hyperdrive," said Bhor.

Jett showed Bhor across the street, where Watto's shop was. It had nearly doubled in size since she'd last been here. When they walked in, Watto was behind the counter, frantically organizing. His clothes weren't on right, and his hat was crooked.

"Give me a minute!" he said. When he looked up, he grimaced. "Sand people? Shoo! Get out of here!"

When he reached for a blaster behind the counter, Jett and Bhor put their hands up. Breezy stopped in her tracks, the arms came out the side of her head. Jett began to sign.

"We're not looking for trouble. Just a hyperdrive."

"A hyperdrive? What do dirty savages like you want with a hyperdrive?" asked Watto.

"What did you just call us?" Bhor said, reaching for his sword.

Jett gently touched his arm. The sword went back in the hilt.

"How much for the hyperdrive, Watto?"

Right then, Jett and Bhor looked at each other. What were they thinking? How were they going to buy a hyperdrive if they didn't have any credits? Jett lifted her hand.

You will give us the hyperdrive for free. Watto cocked his head to the side. I want you to give us the hyperdrive for free.

"Hey, buddy, what's with your strange girlfriend? She's acting like a Jedi I saw a long time ago."

"She isn't my girlfriend," said Bhor.

Watto flapped his wings and got close to Jett, looking her in the eye.

"And not a Jedi either. Too dumb to be one. Everyone who's seen the first episode knows Jedi mind tricks won't work on me!" Watto said, fluttering back to the counter he dug through a bunch of junk and held up a hyperdrive. "Give me fifty thousand credits for this one, or get out."

Jett looked around. The shop was an absolute mess. It was giving her anxiety. Where were the slaves? Anakin was obviously gone, but what happened to his mom, Shmi? A shelf in the corner held three dusty, slumped-over pit droids. It reminded her of the way Beebo would sit when he really needed to recharge.

"Your shop appears to be in disarray, Watto."

"You think I didn't know that? Do you want the hyperdrive or not?"

"You look tired. Are you running this whole shop all by yourself?"

"Why?" He fluttered over to her. "What's it to you?"

"I can help you. I'll repair all three of those old pit droids. You'll have help to get your shop back in order, and I'll get the hyperdrive."

"You're lucky I'm as tired as I am. I will get you my tool set," said Watto.

He fluttered into one of the back rooms. Bhor gave Jett a playful nudge.

"That was some quick thinking!"

"Part of being who I am is finding quick solutions."

Watto came back with a crummy, rusty tool set, but Jett didn't complain. She could work with just about anything. With Watto distracted by Breezy "accidentally" knocking over an entire shelf on the other side of the shop, Jett was free to be herself. Her hand hovered over the first droid. She could feel each bolt and wire that ran through it.

Got it!

She took out the soldier and worked on the faulty battery of the droid. She had the other two repaired within the hour. They were straightening items and sweeping the floor in no time.

"That was pretty impressive. I didn't know sand people had such capabilities," said Watto. He handed Jett the hyperdrive. "Pleasure doing business with you."

They thanked Watto and left the store, then went back behind the bar, where Ohdiz was working on the ship. He rolled out from underneath it when he heard them coming.

"Hey! You got it!" he said.

"Jett had a great plan! How is your progress?" asked Bhor.

"I think once we get the hyperdrive on, we'll be all set!"

  They spent the rest of the day helping Ohdiz finish the ship. By nightfall, it was starting up. Everyone felt confident that Jett and Bhor would be able to make the journey.

"We'll be back in a few days. Thank you again," said Bhor to Ohdiz and his parents.

"Please bring our ship back in one piece," said Malcolm.

"Ah ah!" said Jett, nodding.

"Jett?" Ohdiz tugged at her robe. She looked down at him. "Please be careful."

She got down and hugged him. When she let go, she hailed Breezy and asked Malcolm and Zala to use the restroom. Of course, they agreed. A few minutes later, she emerged from the bar carrying her Tusken clothing. She always kept her Jedi clothes in the satchel she wore around her waist, just like all the other Tusken women.

"Whoa! You look like such a cool Jedi!" said Ohdiz.

Jett clapped for Breezy's attention and signed, "I can't fight whoever this boss is in that long dress. I need pants."

"Well, now it looks like you're really ready to go," said Zala.

Jett nodded. She, Bhor, and Breezy climbed aboard the ship. They waved from the cockpit and took off into the star-filled sky. Jett closed her eyes and put both of her hands against the glass.

Grogu? Can you hear me? I'm coming for you.

Momma? That you?

She saw him for just a moment. A cell in a large ship. A menace with a lot of arms. A desert planet with three moons.

Jett gasped as she opened her eyes. She immediately set coordinates into the ship and pulled the hyperspace lever. The ship was surrounded by blue lines, and into hyperspace they went.

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