The Fun Police

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Chella yawned as she stood in the chamber with the Jedi Council around her. It was nearly two in the morning, Coruscant time.

"Master Chella, the meaning of this, you must tell us," Yoda said.

"My kids feel like the entire Jedi Temple is looking down on them. They know they're different. They understand it. But they're still kids. When I took on this clan, after meeting them on their first day, I thought there wasn't a chance in the galaxy that any of them would make it to The Gathering."

"And it should be celebrated. But not by going behind our backs," said Mace Windu.

"I had to. It was the only way I could've gotten them there," said Chella.

"Master Chella, why this particular event?" asked Obi Wan.

"Because most of the kids love the Boogie Wookies! They listen to them all the time."

"It doesn't matter. Going to a concert isn't an approved activity," said Mace Windu.

"Oh, well pardon me. I thought this was a meeting with the Jedi Council, not the fun police!" Chella said, pointing her cane at him.

"Master Chella, it has been this way for thousands of years," said Obi Wan.

"But it's not 'thousands of years ago.' We're in the middle of the clone wars. Fun to these kids matters now more than ever, because as soon as they become padawans they're getting sent straight off to war. We all know it," Chella said.

"That is not an excuse, Chella," said Plo Koon.

"Let me ask you all something," Chella said, leaning on her cane in an effort to stand up a little taller. "I'm leading my sixth clan. I've taught seventy-eight students. How many have gone to the dark side?"

"None, the answer is," said Yoda.

"That's right. Not a single one of my kids has gone to the sith. You know why? Because I raise them right. I let them express themselves and have fun. I let them get emotional when they need to be.

"If you raise these kids with no fun, no love, no self-expression, it harms them. You can't say that it doesn't. They'll grow up mentally unstable. They're numb. Then they get tempted by the dark side. They finally feel something, and they go. Even you lost your padawan, Master Yoda," Chella said.

"I did, yes," Yoda said, his head hanging low. "Your method works, Chella. No doubt, there is. You've unleashed great potential in the Krayt Dragons. Serve the galaxy well, they will. But get our approval for these things, you must."

"I will, next time," Chella said.

The Jedi Council didn't notice it, but one of her hands was behind her back. Her fingers were crossed.

"We aren't here to tell you that there will be a next time," said Ki-adi Mundi.

"I will do with my clan what I please. They need to have lives," said Chella.

"No. They need to become proper Jedi. The need to follow the Code. They don't need to go to concerts," said Mace Windu.

Chella narrowed her eyes. "This is the problem with all of you Jedi."

"Elaborate, can you?" Yoda asked.

"You're so stuck in your ways and you won't change. We're emotionally damaging these children. We rip them from their parents and we don't let them have further contact. My little Jett was nearly five when you took her. She remembers her family. She misses them. Eep's parents live ten minutes away from the temple, and he's not allowed to visit them!

"Emotionally damaged kids become emotionally damaged adults. It's only a matter of time before one of these kids who grows up and goes to the sith turns on us for making them the way they are!" Chella said.

"Made a point you have, Master Chella," Yoda said. "Very late it is. Rest, you must."

"Just tell me what consequences I'm facing," she said.

"A warning this time. But next time, far worse. Expulsion," Yoda said.

"You wouldn't expel the best teacher you have, and you know it," Chella said.

"No other choice, you leave me with!" Yoda said. "Leave these chambers, you will."

"Goodnight all. See you around," Chella said with a grin.

She turned to leave, her grin only getting bigger. The Jedi Council couldn't touch her, and she knew it. 

When she finally got back to her hallway, all of the doors opened at the same time. Eleven tired heads poked out of the doorways.

"Oh, none of you should be awake at this hour!" Chella said.

"We were worried about you, tck-tck-tck-tck-tck," Roi said.

"You don't need to worry about me, Roi. None of you do."

"But you're our clan leader, Master Chella! We care about you a whole lot!" Beebo said.

"Is the Jedi Council really mad at us?" Rosa asked.

"Not at any of you, so calm yourselves," Chella said. "They're frustrated with me because I didn't tell them about the concert, but that's all. Now off to bed, all of you. Sleep tight."

"Goodnight Master Chella!" they all said at once before closing their doors.

Chella sauntered into her room and sat down on her bed. She needed to meditate so she could calm herself down and fall asleep properly. Talking to the Jedi Council was like talking to a wall. Even after all these years, they still wouldn't listen to her.

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