제20장 (Chapter 20)

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As what I've said from the previous chapter, I'll be choosing 3 comments but.. I've chose only one.


//drum roll//

a comment from maygace! THANK YOU SO MUCH!

Anyway, I wont do what she exactly said.. but I had come up an idea with it. So, have a happy reading! And thank you to all of you who also commented, voted, added my story to your libraries, and supported it all the way! I love you so much! Hope you enjoy this update~


"A dream? It looked like it was real," I mumbled as they gave me a doubting look.

They both sat beside me and waited for me to calm down and realized that I was just having a nightmare. I breath heavily, shut my eyes and finally looked at them.

"What happened? Is it really scary?" Jaemin asked as she patted my back.

"It was.. terrible. Horrifying.." I answered as I tried to recall my dream.

"Shit, is there a ghost here in the rest house?" Ae sook cried as she scanned the surroundings, ready to scream.

I smiled about the fact she's trying to make me smile.

"No Ae, I dreamt of loosing someone.." I answered and held her hand as she sat closer to me.

"..loosing someone I really love,"

After that statement, the girls tried to cheer me up by making good breakfast as they both find a topic where I can forget my nightmare. I tried my best to cheer up and I think it's a success, but I still can't help myself from thinking and getting worried about Jungkook.

We have decided to have a walk to the village so we quickly changed our pj's into a casual wear and went to a shop to rent a bike.

As we reached the shop, I clearly saw Bangtan. They were also renting a bike but the three of us never entertained them.

Bangtan were about to leave with their bikes when it's our turn to rent.

"Sorry ma'am, but we have no bikes left.. Maybe wait for another hour." one of the employees said that made us disappointed.

I saw Jimin looking at me, "Haneul, you can have a ride with me," he cheerfully said as I looked at my girls.

They both nodded so I readied myself and sat behind him.

"Come here, Ae sook," Seokjin called out.

Jaemin's left, and it looks like Namjoon would be inviting her.

"Jaemin, you can have a ride with me,"

Ae sook and I looked at the direction of the voice, and surprisingly, it was Hoseok who invited her.

We both looked at Namjoon but he quickly rode his bike and exited the scene.

Wait a second, how come I haven't seen my Jungkook?

I looked a little bit far, and I saw him enjoying his ride. Aish, that boy!

Jimin caught me smiling that he snapped his fingers onto my forehead, "You're daydreaming again!" he joked as he peddled quickly.

As we get farther away from the shop, the road gets more bumpy that made me held onto Jimin's waist. He glanced at me, flashing a smile. His eyes were sparkling with happiness that made me a little bit embarrassed.

He rode the bike a lot quicker where I can already see Jungkook.

"Jungkookie!!!" he called out as Jungkook quickly turned back and took a look at us.

If I was his Ms. Right {BTS JUNGKOOK FANFIC}Where stories live. Discover now