제21장 (Chapter 21)

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•Flashback; Trip to Chongsando•

{Jungkook's POV}

Taehyung and I got sick so we're here to see the clinic of Seokjin's Auntie. I don't know why but I'm getting a little bit nervous.

I've been sick after the investigation; I got high fever and chills, and I get tired most of the time.

A while ago, I've was seated beside Haneul. And I think, I feel a lot better. It was like she cured my sickness with just looking at me in split seconds. That's how strong her appearance can do to me. And I am very thankful I have her.

I was waiting, together with my hyungs, at the waiting area until Taehyung went out. Jimin patted his back as he handed the list of medicines that was prescribed to him by the doctor.

Namjoon looked at me, "Your turn, golden maknae," he winked that made me somehow, stronger.

I went inside and Seokjin's aunt; Dr. Kim, greeted me.

"Hello, what's your name, dear?" she asked.

"Jeon Jungkook,"

She asked me a couple of questions about what I am feeling these past days until now. Then, she got a sample of my blood and said that I should wait for about three hours in the clinic for the results. I went out quickly and told my hyungs.

"Hoseok and I will be staying here with you, and the rest, you can go back now," Namjoon said as they all followed.

We waited for about three hours until the results came. The nurse handed me the papers as I went back to Dr. Kim's office.

She read the results carefully with her brows meeting in frustration. She looked at me and said,

"You're too young to experience this, I think there's something wrong." she said, still looking at the papers.

"Why? What is it?"

"No, maybe we have some mistakes.. You better go to a hospital for another check-up."

"Why don't you tell me what's wrong?"

She bit her lips and looked at me. She looked like she pity me. It looked like I have a serious illness and it scared me a lot.

"Tell me!" I shouted as she gulped.

"You have leukemia. Stage 2,"

After her words, I started to cry silently. It broke my heart into pieces that I don't know how am I going to respond.

"How c-come?" I stuttered.

"As of what I checked here, you're white blood cells were a lot more than your red blood cells. But I wasn't sure though, stop crying. Try to consult another check-up from a city hospital,"

After that, I wiped my tears and went out of the room.

Should I tell Bangtan about this?

"What happened?" Hoseok asked, worried about me.

I smiled at the two of them, "I'm just stressed that's why I got fever," I have leukemia, Stage 2.

"Oh, well, you need to rest Kookie," Namjoon patted my back as we went back to the rest house.

What am I going to do now? What if I'll die? What will happen to Bangtan? My family? Friends? And Haneul?

Will she be okay? Will she be strong enough? Can she protect herself? What if other guys try to hurt him? I need to live. I can't leave her like that.

If I was his Ms. Right {BTS JUNGKOOK FANFIC}Where stories live. Discover now