제17장 (Chapter 17)

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I kept quiet with the fact I know that hyung is Haneul's first love. Of course, I'm kinda jealous but that's past and Haneul and I were fine.

I guess?

I finished my meal and I rushed out to the balcony where Mi hee stayed a while ago. Like Mi hee, I was also confused. But the thing is, I wasn't thinking  the same thing, instead, I was thinking if I should date her. My hyungs had started their first moves and I guess I should also do the same. What would be the advantages if I dated Haneul? Of course we would get closer to each other and I would know more about her. But I'm actually satisfied by just seeing her everyday at school.

No Jungkook, you should date her.

I stretched my arms as I let out a very disappointing sigh which Geurum hyung heard.

"What does that sigh mean?" he asked and got the available seat beside me.

"A girl," I replied with my eyes obviously tired.

"That was pretty obvious. You're thinking about her since we had dinner," he said as he took a sip from the soda he was holding.

"How did you know? Am I that obvious??" I asked as he replied me a satisfying look.

"Yes. Don't worry, I understand. I bet she's very pretty that's why you kept on thinking of  her"

I wasn't expecting this from hyung. He never changed. I wonder how was he when he's at Busan.

"Hyung, tell me about you. We've been seperated for how many years, and I don't have any updates from you," I said as I tapped his shoulder.

He let out a broad smile, "It's hard and somewhat fun.. I've been living all by myself," My eyes looked at him confusedly; shocked on what he've said.

"Just kidding. I lived with my aunt and uncle at Busan. They became my parents actually. There's nothing special in my life so, no jeed to be curious." he answered.

"Why not? Don't you have a girlfriend?"

He let out a grin and looked up, "Well, do you think if I do have a girlfriend, I would be going back here?" He answered.

"Uhm. No, but.. I was asking if you had a girlfriend before,"

"I had a girlfriend, but it was three years ago and I dont want to talk about it anymore. That girl sucks," he laughed.

"Ah, mianhe.. (sorry..)" I gasped as I looked down because of such disappointment.

He patted my back as he wore again that smile, "Gwenchanha. (it's okay) How about you? Tell me about you and that girl you kept on thinking."

My heart beat faster, got nervous to open up with him. "Uh, actually, I wasn't expecting that I would totally like her," I replied and tried to not to look at him.

"Looks like that Haneul has very something special on her," he whispered.

I nodded, "Special that I don't even know the answer behind these feelings. She can drive me nuts!"

"I want to meet her. Are the two of you free on Friday?" he asked that made me more nervous.

"I-I don't know, I'll check our schedule," I answered and he gave me a worried look.

"You look like you're scared.. Is there something bothering you?" he asked as my eyes went teary.

"Ah aniyo, (no,) I just need to rest hyung," I replied as I stood up and went straight to my room.

I flopped into my bed as I rolled myself with the blanket.

"Ah, ottokhaji?! (what am i gonna do?!)"

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