제23장 (Chapter 23)

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{Jungkook's POV}

•3 days later•

The seniors are getting ready for the entrance exams. Yet, Bangtan and I were still chilling. The scholars were overly stressed on reviewing each subject on each topic. Some of them even reviewed the past topics for they will enter the highest universities here in Seoul.

We should be also stressed in studying right now but, we chose to get stressed on what university we will enter. We don't want to get seperated by each other, and the worst part is..

All of us don't want to get separated from our girls.

Even though I'm getting seperated to Haneul emotionally.

I've been planning to tell her about my sickness these past days but everytime I'm about to tell her, there will be a sudden unexpected scene that will happen. Sighs, Haneul, you're not the only one getting sick of me. Me too.

Aish, why do I have fucking leukemia. Like seriously, Haneul and I should be in a relationship by now and everything's gonna be fine. And then after 5 years, we'll get married and build a family. God, I'll be the happiest man in the world!

Then I need to cure this. I need to get therapied as early as possible. It will took me five years to get completely cured. I can do this.

"Jungkook, it's a good idea that you have invited us here in your house. We can talk about how we canー" Taehyung said but I quickly covered his mouth.

I invited Bangtan to come over but it wasn't my plan to talk about these stuffs.

"Actually, I have decided to take the five year therapy. But everyone's still unsure about it. I can still die.." I answered as Bangtan gave me serious looks.

"That's good. There's still a possibility to cure it. But the question is, will you tell Haneul?" Yoongi asked as Jimin eyed me.

I gulped and tried to think of an answer. Yes, will I tell her? What will happen if I would tell her about it? Aish!!

"I still have no ideas.. Hehe" I laughed shyly as each of them gave me a hard blow.

We were busy laughing and joking around when the doorbell suddenly rang. I ran towards the door to open up the gate while Seokjin went in front of the monitor to check who is the visitor. As I walk closer, Seokjin quickly stopped me from opening it.

"What the.. What's wrong with you?" I confusedly asked as he covered my mouth.

"It was Haneul!" he shout-whispered that made my eyes grow big.

"What? What is she doing here?!" I asked; whispering.

He shrugged as Bangtan went out to join us. We were in front of our gate, still deciding if we should open it. Namjoon asked me lots of questions that made everyone be in panic. Why is she here? Why is she suddenly appearing out of nowhere at the wrong time?

Bangtan were still whispering; talking about their plans as the doorbell kept on ringing. I let out a sigh and opened the gate. Bangtan was surprised that they grabbed my collar in front of Haneul. Each of them hit my tummy without noticing Haneul, already watching them.

"Stop!!" Haneul shouted that made all of them look at her with shockness on their eyes.

Haneul went closer as she pulled me away from them, "What exactly are you doing?" she said, making all of us in a fuss.

"Ah.. Uhmm.. We are, uhmm.." Jimin quietly muttered as he looked down with embarrassment.

"Ooh! What was that? Oh my god! I forgot I have to help my hyung, sorry guys! I need to go!" Taehyung suddenly made an excuse as he scratched his head.

If I was his Ms. Right {BTS JUNGKOOK FANFIC}Where stories live. Discover now