제4장 (Chapter 4)

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Why would I let him hug me? After what he did to me? No.

I bit my lips and thought hard, then I removed my school coat and tied the sleeves in my waist.

"Problem solved! No thank you," I gestured myself in front of him and made a fake smile.

I left him and went back to the classroom. I forgot that the incident took to much time and the time I walk from the back bldg to classroom. I can't walk that fast or else the stain would get worse. It took me about fifteen minutes to arrive here. And now I'm late. I'm expecting Ms. Shin to not let me join the class. Sighs.

"Sorry Ms. Shin, I'm late..." I opened the door and apologized. They all looked at me but I didn't entertained them. Ms. Shin then spoke, "But you're excused, Ms. Lee" she said with confusion in her face.

I tilt my head and raised a brow, "Huh?"

"Get your bag and go home, you need to rest or else you'll get cramps"

The class' whisperings became louder as I got my bag. I was going to ask Ms. Shin why did she want me to go home and rest but, I really want to rest because I kinda feel backache. So I ended up going home.

{Jungkook's POV}

I felt really sorry about what happened a while ago. I think I became too violent. I know she wanted to cry but she want to tell me that she's strong. I just kissed her a while ago. Am I bad? Actually, I was also surprised on what I acted a while ago. I just want her to say sorry to Jimin but I can't control myself when she bit her lips when I was going to hit her face. I kind of like the way she cried, I want to screw her. You know men sometimes feel that, but to be honest, I never had my first kiss. I want my first kiss to be Sooyeon but... I gave it to her and I don't even know why. I don't feel likeness towards her but she made me do it! I, I don't know what just happened.

I wanted to apologize but I remembered what she said, I'm begging you to not talk nor go near me

So, what I did is, I called her mom (I got it from the student's infos) and told her that she needs to rest. She have her period and she might occur cramps if she would attend their PE class, now she had those blood stains, she can't play that well.

Her mom then thanked me and asked my name but when I told her my name, she became excited. I got curious on her reaction; I asked myself if Haneul told stories about me to her mom. That's daebak! (amazing/great/nice)

Wait, what did I just said? Daebak?

Shaking my head, I continued walking and entered my class.

I'm a scholar, yes. I know you're surprised. I have the capability to answer a 100 item test in less than thirty minutes with just getting one or two mistakes, but sometimes, I get a perfect score. Bangtan looked bad boys but we're all scholars. I know it's hard to believe but that's the truth.

Scholars here in this campus can get late but shouldn't miss class. Why? Because they know we can handle ourselves when we'll have a test. So, when I enter the classroom, no one would pay their attention on me.

I opened the back door and took my seat, which is in the middle of Hoseok and Taehyung.

They looked at me worriedly and passed their attention to Jimin.

Jimin didn't gave me a look and he looked uncomfortable.

"Ya, what did you do to her? Jimin was really angry," Taehyung whispered. I looked back at him.

"I wanted to screw her," I shrugged. Acting normal and trying to feel nothing towards my statement.

"Screw her? Are you nuts? Jimin liked her for a long time!" he shout-whispered.

If I was his Ms. Right {BTS JUNGKOOK FANFIC}Where stories live. Discover now