제28장 (Chapter 28)

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"Haneul! Palli! (Hurry!)" Jaemin shouted from the living area.

It was a hectic day, indeed. We've been fixing our things since six in the morning, my girls arrived here at home at about 6:45? We were preparing our things and it's a lot because we're carrying some of our furniture, we'll be moving out to Busan today!

It's already 9AM, and mom called Hyungki to help us out, well he actually volunteered to be our driver haha. Sometimes, Hyungki is useful to us.

He was the one I kept on calling to help me carry heavy things since he arrived, and I haven't heard of any complains from him! Ah, what a good boy! ㅎㅎㅎ

We need to finish cleaning up the house around 11, because it will be a long way down to Busan! Mom already called the people who will help us to deliver some of our furniture at our desired location so maybe we will finish really early. I can't wait to see our cafe!

Mom told me to leave everything from my room except my clothes and important stuffs. She said our Uncle will live here for the time we will be out, so that means, he'll live here for about forever cause I have no plans on going back here. But of course, I will miss our house; all the memories, the laughters, and the tears that I have shared with it, gosh.. But still, I can't wait to see our cafe ㅋㅋㅋㅋ~

"Haneul, are you done fixing your stuffs? We hella need a big hand here!" Ae sook shouted with a gritty voice. Bet she's carrying a big one.

"Yeah.. I'll come down in a minute, just need to cover some things up!" I answered as I said my last goodbyes to me bed, to my cabinet, closets, study table, lamp, and to the windows and curtains. I'll miss you guys.

I rushed down to the living area and it's kinda messy, but not as messy when we started pulling and pushing out some stuffs a while ago. I gave Hyungki a help since I saw him getting really tired of carrying things.

"Aigoo, go help your girls. I'm fine," he said but it was obvious he really needs help.

"C'mon Hyungki, I know you want me to help you, tsk." I amswered that made him chuckle.

"Haneul, help us instead!" Jaemin called out as I looked at Hyungki. He gave me a wink so, I went towards my girls and gave them a help.

Mom's still busy talking with some agencies that were fixing our papers and some sort of contracts we all have no idea about it. She was talking to them since last night so I dunno if mom slept last night. But I'm really excited to see our cafe! Haha, I've saying this for the whole time? I'm sorry.

After about an hour or two, we have successfully completed what we need to do today. We took a rest for a while since the people who will help us did the rest of the work. All we're going to do now is to take a rest and let Hyungki drive us to Busan! Yehet! Ohorat!

Our stuffs were carried by a truck and they said they will deliver it to our location for only three hours, so Hyungki carried our luggage and fit it inside the trunk as the four of us went inside the car. After that, our trip have started.

Our seating arrangement inside Hyungki's car!

Hyungki  |     Mom

Jaemin, Me, Ae Sook

After an hour, it's already 12nn and mom and my girls have fallen asleep. I kept on talking so that Hyungki won't get bored, I threw jokes and even though it wasn't really funny, he laughed. I ask him a couple of questions and he did answered all of it, we haven't reached half of the trip, there's a lot more kilometers to travel. I hope Hyungki's feeling fine.

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