제3장 (Chapter 3)

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It was Thursday, another day for me. We'll be having our P.E. Usually, we do our PE every Friday but there's no class tomorrow because our teachers would be going on an outreach so, Ms. Shin decided that we'll have our PE today and it sucks because my back hurts. I'm having my period today so I 'wish' that I won't have stains.

I wore my school uniform and tied up my hair. I put out some of my books and put my PE uniform at my bag. I went downstairs and grabbed a toasted bread that's served on the dining table and told mom that I'll be going.

"But you didn't eat breakfast!" mom called out. I was already at the front door and ready to get out, "No, I did. Bye!" I answered. "Aigoo, okay. Go home early okay?"

"Hmm," I nodded. I walked a little faster while eating my toasted bread. I'm not late but I want to go to school early.

It's 6:32 in the morning, and as usual, it's cold. I tugged myself in my school coat and embraced myself.

I'm still worried of taking PE class today, I'm wearing a napkin but sometimes it doesn't work. Sighs.

"The old diary, that's been long forgotten~ I brushed off the dust and remember your grin~" I hummed. It's a song from a very popular group, EXO, entitled 'Peter Pan'. It's my favorite song, I can relate on it. "You're my Peter Pan, this world's so lonely without you~" I continued singing.

I heard someone chuckling at my back. I think I know who he is.

I turned my head and looked at him, "Get a life," I murmured. I gave him a disgusted look and left. He seemed to follow me because I can hear footsteps behind me.

"You're angry?" he cried. I stopped and looked at him, "I'm singing and you're laughing at me, what do you think I will react?" he pulled my bag that made me be close to him. I punched him softly at his tummy and,

"Aigoo, it's like you never learned from our previous fights," I cried. He looked at me and smiled, "I came all the way here for you and then you'll act like that? I know you like me too, why don't you just accept my request to you. Let's get married,"

He is Jung Hyungki, one of my childhood friends. He's the son of the owner of the most prestigious hotel here in Korea. He said he loved me since grade 4 but I never liked him. I liked him as a friend or a brother but never as a husband. We often fought because he wanted me to get married to him, which is I always reject.

"You didn't miss me? I stayed in America for five years, you did miss me right?" he asked, clinging on my arms.

I gave him a glare and, "Why would I miss you? Actually, I wished that you'll never come back here!"

He laughed and hugged me.

"You never changed, you still kept on rejecting me." he paused. "Haneul-ah, I've been waiting for you and your answer for ten years..." he continued with his head down.

"Hyungki, I've gave you already my answer," I whispered. He then smiled and combed my hair with his pale thin fingers. "Hmm, fine." he sighed.

"But I don't like your hair," he pulled away the tie from my hair and tried to fix it by pushing it over my left shoulder.

"We have our PE that's why I tied it up," I explained.

"You're attending PE class even if you have your period?" he asked. My eyes went big, thinking how the hell he knew I have my period.

I looked at him with a shocking face and he laughed, "You have a stain, that's why I'm covering you since I saw you," he whispered to my left ear. I can feel his warm breath in my neck.

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