제26장 (Chapter 26)

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"Girls, I am not pregnant," I laughed as the two of them let out a sigh.

"Give us at least five invalid reasons for us to believe you," Ae sook said with such strict feeling.

I opened my mouth and was about to tell them my side, but I can't tell any reason since there is really something that happened between me and Jungkook two months ago.

"Just believe me, maybe it's because I did so many things the past months that's why I got dizzy," I chuckled as Jaemin hit me.

"Ya! This is not the time for us to laugh, getting pregnant is serious! Now that we all know Jungkook is.." she shout-whispered.

I inhaled heavily and looked at them, "Is dead? Girls, it's been two months already and I'm slowly moving on with your help. But the thing is, we're not sure about me, having a baby. Just, chill okay?"

"So does that means, nothing happened between the two of you?" Ae sook asked that made me stop from breathing.

"Uh.. no. Something happened about two months ago," I answered as their eyes were widely opened.

"You mean.. you had uhmm, you know?" Jaemin whispered as the three of us lowered our heads since our classmates kept on looking at us.

"You did it?" Ae sook whispered as Jaemin hushed her.

I nodded as their expression changed, aigoo, I haven't imagine I have pervert friends.

"Haneul, I'm really curious about this. How does it feel?" Ae sook added as Jaemin got very excited.

"Y-ya, what the hell is that question," I stuttered as the two of them giggled.

"You need to tell us since you're the first one who experienced it," Jaemin whispered.

I gulped as my eyes blinked frequently, can't handle the shyness I'm feeling right now.

"Why do you even need to know?!" I looked away as they laighed at my face that turned red very quick.

"Aish, look at yourself! You're totally red, did you just recalled how the two of you did it?" Ae sook joked that made me even more embarrassed.

"Ya! It's just inappropriate for you to ask such question," I answered but they nagged me even more.

"Aigoo, just tell us the feeling, hahahaha"

"It's uh.. How am I going to explain.. uhmm.."

The two of them were smiling like idiots, damn how did I even became friends with these two!

"Just.. Why do I need to tell you this? It's for the two of you to find out!!"

The three of us laughed and continued talking to another topic.


"I'm pregnant? How dumb is that? Why would I get pregnant with just delayed monthly period and getting dizzy?" I walked towards the school gate reluctantly.

The school year has ended a few minutes ago, the bell rang, signifying our long awaited ending of classes. My girls and I waited for this day, it was really a stressful year for us but we enjoyed it though. We've done so many things and I will surely treasure all of it. Can't imagine this will all come to an end, sighs.

My girls went at the building of the seniors since Namjoon and Seokjin were their boyfriends. They will give their goodlucks and goodbyes to each other. Aww, how sweet~ If Jungkook was still here, then the three of us were waiting in front of their classroom right now.

If I was his Ms. Right {BTS JUNGKOOK FANFIC}Where stories live. Discover now