제13장 part 1 (Chapter 13 pt. 1)

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"Haneul?? Haneul?! Ya!!" someone kept on shaking me as I opened my eyes.

I saw the two of them looking at me with a worried face. What happened?

"Gwenchana? (are you alright?)" Jungkook said as I stood up, feeling my head.

"Why? What happened?" I asked with my voice croaking.

"You kept on calling me,"

Calling him? Why? Am I dreaming?

I noticed him whispering at Mi hee. The little girl then went out of the room, leaving the two of us alone.

"Okay, you're dreaming. And Mi hee heard you calling my name,"

I am dreaming? What?

I tried to recall what was that dream..

"You kept on saying, 'Jungkook, please'? Can't you remember?"

Wait, so you mean.. That kiss was just a dream? That's weird, it looked like it was real?

I suddenly looked at my alarm and noticed it was ten in the morning. Haven't I slept after the kiss? Or is it just a dream?

Should I ask him?

"Jungkook, did we.." I paused and breath heavily. Hesitating to ask him.

"Did we what?"


"Yes, and that was the time where Jimin is totally angry to me,"

"No, I mean.. Last night?"

His face turned very serious as if he was teasing me, "You dreamt of me, kissing you?"

I can't look at him, I was totally embarrassed to answer his question. Oh my god, what am I gonna do?!

"Nope," I lied. Why? Do you expect me to answer 'yes'? "Anduae! (no way!)"

He looked at me, smiling. But it looks like he was teasing me! Ah, why did I have that kind of dream?

"Why are you looking at me like that?!" I gasped.

"You dreamt of us, kissing each other. Totally daebak! Let's try it on the reality," told you he was teasing me!

"Ah! Omma!!" I cried for help.

Then he started tickling me, which is really a torture. I rolled all over my bed, shouting and crying for help. Have you ever felt of you're laughing but you're totally crying on the inside?

"Ya!! Hajima!! (stop it!!)" I said for about the hundredth time.

On that time, I realized that we've been so close. But it wasn't like something romantic, he's like a friend. A friend like Jaemin and Ae Sook.

Then, he stopped tickling me and started laughing. I wiped my "tears of torture" as I hit him consecutively.

"That was epic!" he said laughing, holding his tummy.

"Whatever! Aww my body hurts," I said as I massaged the damaged parts-abdominal muscles. I was like I just got up from doing a one-hundred curl ups.

"Okay, let's eat our breakfast outside! My treat!" he said as he hugged me.

"You BETTER treat us, after what you've done to me!"

He laughed as he stood up, "Get dressed, I want to invite Bangtan too. Inivite Jae and Ae too,"

"Jae and Ae? It's Jaemin and Ae Sook, you idiot!"

"Yeah whatever," he chuckled as he opened the door, "And oh! We'll go back after fifteen minutes," I nodded without even knowing their reason.

I dressed myself up, very casual, nothing special. Shirt and jeans, rubber shoes. I swear I got really lazy doing things like this, and I thank god that mom wasn't here or else she'll act as if this was a date. But I did that too before.

I looked at myself in the mirror, and I looked totally devastated, hopeless, and I don't look like a human being! Should I put make up? Should I iron my hair? Should I change my attire?

I quickly opened my closet to look for another clothing, but I don't actually feel going anywhere so I ended up wearing the same.

I tied my hair up when I realized I look like Shin Hye from The Heirs. Guess it's fine to wear these!

But I can't stop thinking about what I dream of. That's weird..

Eew, why do I kept on thinking that?

"Aish, what a dirty mind Haneul?"

Several minutes later, the doorbell rang so I quickly ran towards the gate but surprisingly, I can't see Mi hee.

"Where is Mi hee?" I asked as he scratched his head.

"She said she wanted to sleep at her room so, she won't be able to join us. But Bangtan would be coming over!"

"That's good, I texted my girls,"

Then, we went to the cafe together.

•at the cafe•

"What is taking them for so long? It's been five minutes already," he mumbled.

"It's five minutes, not a big deal. Why are you so worried?" I sighed and rolled my eyes.

"I hate it when they're getting late, they are the hyungs, they should know how to attend the right time,"

I laughed. He doesn't want to get earlier than them, that's his reason.

"Anyway, tell me what you've dreamed of last night,"

I quickly turned my face to him, eyes open wide, blinking for how many times.

"Nothing! Ah, hehe! I never dream of anything!!" that was the dumbest answer, Lee Haneul. Dumb-est.

"You'll tell me or I'll do what happened in your dream; exactly, no details would be forgotten."

Should I tell him? But that's totally embarrassing! Agh! Eottokhe?! (what to do?!)

"I forgot."

"No, you don't"

"Yes, I did!"

"I'm gonna kiss you hard if you won't tell me!"

Ah! Help!!!



Sorry for the late update! So this is Chapter 13; part 1. And that means there would be a part 2! Lol none of you commented at chap 12 hahaha

so I hope you loved today's update! I'll update the part 2 on... Maybe when this story reaches 7.3k reads. Let's do this! Fighting!

That's all, have a nice day everyone! ^^


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