제22장 (Chapter 22)

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{Haneul's POV}

"Okay, Haneul. Relax. Inhale, exhale," I shut my eyes and breathe heavily. I wiped my tears and calmed down for a minute.

"Everything's going to be fine. If he really doesn't like you, then be it!! You'll regret it Jeon Jungkook!" I smiled to the fact I gained my strong personality again.

I was a brave and strong girl since dad left us. Mom wasn't that good in holding her tears and easily giving up. So, I need to be strong at least for her. She was always depending on me.

But after meeting Jungkook, I became very confident being with him. I felt that I was protected for some reason.

But now, I'll be walking on my own. Again!

No one can destroy me! That's the spirit, Haneul! Fighting!

I quickly went downstairs and looked for mom. She was at the backyard, watering her lovely garden.

"Boo!" I surprised her that made her jump from her position.

"Oh! This kid.. What are you up to??" she rolled her eyes away as I giggled from the fact mom sounds a fifty-year old ahjumma (old lady).

"Nothing.. I'm hungry!" I hugged her tight as she smiled.

"Hmm.. You better tell me a story when dinner is served, okay?" she said that made me frown.

Tsk. Omma, why do you need to ask me that favor? Do you want me to tear up again? Nope. I won't cry!

After an hour, mom called me to eat. I ran towards the dining and helped her prepare the table. Sigh, I suddenly miss my girls. They often eat dinner with us.

The two of us sat and prayed. After that, we enjoyed the dinner! Ahh, omma's the best cook in the whole wide world!

"Omma, I want some seaweed soup next time!" I chuckled as she sighed and smiled.

Seawood soup was oftenly cooked by dad. When he's still with us. I liked it a lot, until now. Even though I should be hating it because the one who made such memories with this dish left me crying.

Like Jungkook, I should be hating him right now. Cursing him, swearing at him, and anything that can take as a revenge. But instead, I'm still finding a way to be with him again.

"Fine, everything you want to eat," she answered and let out a half smile. I know she have remembered dad after hearing it.

Mom then looked at me with an indescribable glaze. It was like she was doubting. And for some reason, I got nervous.

"Tell me, did Jungkook hurt you?" she said that made me gulp the food inside my mouth that I haven't chewed that much.

"Hm? N-no! Why would he?" I avoided her looks and continued eating. Yes, why would he? But he did it.

"But why do I sense something wrong?" she added.

"Huh? No omma, there's nothing wrong. And if you're going to ask me why I was crying a while ago, that's because of.." I paused for a while to think of something to reason out.

"Because of Jungkook. Stop denying, I know you because you're my daughter," she worriedly said and held my hand.

I drank my glass of water and calmed myself, "Well, yes. But it was just some misunderstandings. You know, sometimes, friends do fight, mom"

She laughed and looked at me, "Seriously? Friends? Aren't you dating already? Hahaha,"

"A-aniya!! (N-no!!) S-seolma! (Not a chance!) We're just friends. And if he tried to make me cry again, I'm going to end our friendship!" I explained but mom gave me again a laugh.

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