제38장 (Chapter 38)

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The two girls froze, and the two hyungs were off to something. I think they have planned what they're going to do before visiting the cafe. Every second that past, it's getting more exciting and intense. How come I've said that? Unlike me, I was the one who said sorry to Haneul, this time, it was Jaemin and Ae sook's fault. So, the hyungs were just chilling out, waiting for the two girls to apologize.

I invited them for a seat as the two girls kept still on their positions, not even blinking an eye. They were obviously not ready about this, and so the hyungs thought of this as their punishment from the past years they have left them.

It was nothing for the hyungs actually, I knew thay they understand the girls' situation. I think they're doing this to tease them, and maybe to get them back effortlessly? I looked at the two pairs and the atmosphere was awkward and intense at the same time. Awkward because they've met their ex-es again, intense because they've met their ex-es again. Do you get my point, ladies and gentlemen?

"Aren't you going to get our orders, miss?" Seokjin asked and I saw Ae sook stumbled, she was panicking.

"A-ah, ne..(yes..)" she got the list from her pocket and went towards at hyung's table.

Seokjin never gave her a glance, but I saw how Ae sook missed talking to him. I saw it on how she stared at him while he was giving her his order. This might be saddening, but this is how I also felt when I first came here in this cafe.

I never expected that I'm going to see Haneul. I guess we're fated. I never thought that I will fall in love with her back on our high school years, and I thought that the two of us would forget each other after seven years of not seeing nor not knowing what was happening between the two of us. I was wrong, I think God have was finished writing our lives, and it would be a Happy Ending for the two of us.

I wish it wasn't only for us, but also to everyone. Taehyung and Sooyeon were still in a good relationship as always, Yoongi and Jiseung (which was his greatest and no. 1 fangirl back in high school) were planning their marriage that will be happening next year, Hoseok and Joomi will get married too, after Yoongi and Jiseung's wedding. Jimin on the other hand, was still dating Eun Shi. He finally got jams, but I can tell it wasn't enough.

"Your order will be served after a few minutes," Ae sook said as she swooshed over the kitchen with Jaemin.

I heard Haneul going downstairs, so I quickly stood up and guided her down. She looked at me confused, "What do you need from me?" she thought I was bribing her.

"Me? Need?" I asked as she rolled her eyes and hit me, "Aish, are you deaf?" of course, as what dhe would always do, she would be playing hard-to-get the hardest.

I laughed and I saw how it made her smile a bit, "I need you," I answered. I admit that I'm getting cheesier than I have expected.

She hit me once more, "Ya!" she shouted, obviously not ready for my sweet attacks.

"Oh, am I wrong? Ah, yes. I forgot that I already have you," I again teased as her teeth gritted and it was a sign that I need to run for my life.

"Jeon Jungkook, you idiot!" she shouted as we ran all over the cafe, chasing each other.

I was the one being chased at first, but then I have realized to turn the table and chase her instead. She was surprised, so she ran and ran and ran away from me. We were like five year-olds' playing as if the world would end tomorrow.

"Let's stop," she said panting.

I hugged her right after she stopped from running, "Caught you," I said and made it even tighter.

If I was his Ms. Right {BTS JUNGKOOK FANFIC}Where stories live. Discover now