제16장 (Chapter 16)

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Taehyung patted Namjoons back as he looked down with disappointment.

I still don't get it. Why are they acting as if what happened was a mess?

Jungkook stood up as he assisted us outside and explained everything.

He let out a sigh and thought hard, "So, first, why do you want to know about that issue?" his face was so serious that made us nervous for a moment.

"Curiosity, I guess?" I said as I gulped with extreme nervousness.

Ae sook laughed silently as I gave her a half-smile.

"Namjoon is Jaemin's first love. We all know that, and I'm surprised that you two didn't know," he paused as we paid attention.

"That's the only thing I know," he continued.

My eyes burned up as I grabbed his collar, "That's it?! Are you fucking kidding me??" I shouted as Ae Sook tried to stop us.

Instead of getting off my hands from him, he embraced me tightーagain. I kind of getting used to it. Ae Sook's eyes were sparkling as she waved her hand to me and exited laughing.

"Aww!!" he shout-whispered as I hit his head.

He let go his hands from hugging me and I rapidly took away my eyes from looking at his very cute expression as he felt his head.

He suddenly gave glance at me which I barely noticed. I tied up my hair and tugged myself in my coat. He opened his mouth as if he would let out a statement.

"Don't tie up your hair, you look more pretty when it's covering your face," he chuckled and I gave him a look.

I removed my ponytail and I was surprised when his hands got the hairclip that is pinned on my neck tie. He clipped it on my long bangs that was covering my face, "Much better," he whispered as he gave another look on me.

His smiles made me feel much better when it comes to my self-confidence. He made me feel that I am pretty in other ways. It just made me feel that there were so much reason to live, reason not to feel unhappy everytime.

It was Jeon Jungkook who made me realize all those things that I thought were shits in life have importance.

{Jungkook's POV}

We were staring at each other for about how many minutes and it's kinda awkward. But staring at her was much worth it. She looked so gorgeous standing in front of me. I was totally mesmerized.

Do I like her that much?

"Stop staring at me like I'm a kimchi!" she exclaimed as I giggled.

"Staring at you is more than the happiness when eating a kimchi," I whispered as she rolled her eyes. This girl hates cheesy things so much.

She suddenly walked away while I tried to chase her. She's pretty good at these!

"Ya! When will you stop running away from me? I'm tired chasing!" I shouted as she looked back.

"B-but, I'm not even running?" she said confusedly as I smirked a bit.

I walked forward towards her and held her hand, "I'm getting weak, stop running away, you're holding my near-broken heart," I said as I made her hand touch my chest.

Her cheeks got warmer and it was totally cute. She was blushing and cant look at me in the eye.

"I-I will take care of your heart, don't worry.." she stuttered as she removed her hands from my chest and touched her cheeks.

If I was his Ms. Right {BTS JUNGKOOK FANFIC}Where stories live. Discover now