제9장 (Chapter 9)

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»The next day after the dinner«

{Jungkook's POV}

I entered the class and it was a total mess. My classmates were shouting and about to destroy the classroom. Bangtan was at the platform, joining the screams.

"What the.." I whispered as I looked around.

Bangtan finally noticed me and Jimin was the first one to call me.

"Oh! Jungkook-ah!" He shouted as I slowly went to them.

"What the hell are you doing?" I whispered as I grabbed him from the others.

"It's Students' Day!!" He said as he waved his hand and continued shouting.

"What was that?" I asked clueless.

"That's when students came to school just to have fun. No teachers, no lessons, but the school is open!" He answered as he made a heart pose.

I looked around and scratched my head. Bangtan never been this wild! Seokjin was sitting at the chair and kept on screaming. Namjoon and Yoongi was above the table as they stomped their feet, making a rhythm. While Taehyung, Hoseok, and Jimin was dancing sort of girl group songs such as Miniskirt, What'cha doin' today, Something and Catallena.

I made a face palm. I didn't expect they'll be this wild!

"How?" I said, still have no idea on what's happening.

"Shut your mouth and have fun," he answered. I gripped the straps of my backpack and took a seat away from them.

I was near the back door and I can clearly see the hallway. I pulled out my notebook and gestured my body to my table. I started drawing doodles about Bangtan.

I enjoyed making sketches and then I noticed that I've drawn a couple in front of a tree with fireflies. It looked familiar to me. Yes of course, it was the two of us last night. But why did I drew it?

I was drawing it until I heard footsteps from the hallway. I peeked and I saw Sooyeon with a couple of friends. She kept on peeking at our classroom; finding someone.

She was at the front door, her eyes looked around and then I saw Taehyung, stopped from what he was doing.

But, weirdly, I didn't felt any jealousy even though I know she was finding him. And I haven't felt any chills, nor fast heart beat, nor butterflies. What was that all about? Am I starting to like someone?

I saw the two of them, looking at each other as the other students, together with Bangtan, kept on shouting. Both of them were like in standby-mode.

I watched the two of them and Taehyung looked back at me, checking if I was watching.

I looked back at my notebook, as I pretend to look clueless and didn't noticed the two of them.

Then, I saw Taehyung went out of classroom as he grabbed Sooyeon's hand away from us.

I knew it before, Taehyung likes Sooyeon and she feels the same. But then, I destroyed their relationship because I want Sooyeon before so Taehyung made an agreement to her. Wait, so I don't like her right now?

Jimin then patted my shoulder, "That's a cool drawing! But what is that weird tree doing there?"

I gasped and quickly closed my notebook, "E-eh? What tree?" I lied.

He squinted his eyes and looked at me suspiciously.

"I know I've told you that you and Haneul looked good together, but I'm telling you Jeon Jungkook!!" He paused in exclamation and breathe heavily.

If I was his Ms. Right {BTS JUNGKOOK FANFIC}Where stories live. Discover now