제6장 (Chapter 6)

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I flopped on my bed and spread my arms wide. Looking at the ceiling, I tried to recall what happen a while ago,

"Tsk, I knew you'd wish for that. But, let me be the one to bring both of you to heaven or should I just call it hell because you looked like demons," I said as I buried my fist in his jaw.

He touched the part I've hit and gave me a dangerous look. I gave a glare back at him.

He grabbed my arm as if he'll take it away from my body, "Aish-" I cried out of pain. "Is it hurting? Haha! You deserve it, you lil brat!" he then kicked me in the legs which made me writhe in pain. I gave him again a glare and tried to escape from his hands, "let go of her," I heard a familiar voice from behind.

"Oh, and who are you?" the man said as he turned my arm that made me scream, "Agh!"

"Jeon Jungkook. Tsk, now I'll get famous because of you," my eyes quickly looked at him. Widely open, I stared at him. He rubbed the back of his neck and looked at me, "kick him," he said. My eyes squinted like it didn't know what he was planning.

"Okay, let me do it" he kicked the guy who held me.

"Ah, paboya!! (you idiot) You don't know who're you dealing with," the man said as he let go of my arm.

He tried to punch Jungkook but he had avoided it successfully. Jungkook then punched him in the abdomen. I tried to kick him in the ass but his friend pulled my collar and slammed me at the barriers.

"F*ck off," Jungkook said as he wrestled the guy who threw me. The two guys then ran away scared.

"You okay?" he asked as he hugged me tight. I looked at him and surprisingly, his eyes were locked into mine.

"I'm fine.." I tried to push him away but he embraced me tighter.

"Oppa!!!" someone called him. We both looked at the direction where the voice was heard.

He quickly removed his arms from hugging me and shyly looked at the girl. I knew that it was Sooyeon, so I tried not to look at her. But then, she asked me if I was okay..

"Ah, Sooyeon-ah! I-I'm sorry, I d-din't mean it, I just-" Jungkook stuttered as I observed the two of them. Sooyeon smiled at him and it seemed that it was fine to her.

She looked at me but my eyes didn't want to interact with hers. "I'm fine, I'll go home now.. Thank you," I said as I bowed and went away.


"Silly me," I sighed.

Yeah, that's right. Silly me. He helped me just because I need it, there's nothing in there.

But what I can't believe is, my bike would be the way for us to interact with each other. Just a bike?

Well, that's a lesson I've learned.

"Everything has a role to play"

I mean, I didn't expected that a bike would be the key for us to meet each other again. For us to reconcile from what happened last week. A bike. Now, I learned that I shouldn't call anything with 'just' in it. Like 'just a bike', 'just a shirt', or whatever with 'just' because everything has a role to play, everything is important. (so never call yifan 'it's just kris' because We Are One. I miss OT12 already, okay sorry for interrupting you-author)

"Aigoo.. Why am I so in love with Jeon Jungkook?" I said as I messed my hair and lied at my bed.

"Jeon Haneul, dinner is served!" mom called out from the kitchen. I quickly flopped out of bed and went downstairs.

"Wait, did she say 'Jeon Haneul'?" I paused from going down and giggled.

"Hmmm, smells delicious!" I cried.

If I was his Ms. Right {BTS JUNGKOOK FANFIC}Where stories live. Discover now