제43장 (Chapter 43)

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I rushed towards her room but the nurses were already taking her out to the emergency room. I can't fucking do anything but to cry, she looked so pale and lifeless. I can't bare to see her in this kind of situation, it was very painful. I followed them until they took her inside the room where I was once delivered few years back.

I dialled her mom first to tell what happened, I heard her crying silently but still answered me with a strong voice. She was like Haneul, even how hurt they are, they still kept their selves strong. They never failed to impress me.

"I'll be there as soon as possible, take care of her for me," she said and I knew that she has been getting really worried.

"I'm sorry," I said and I heard her stopped from crying.

"There's nothing to sorry for, right now. But if something bad happens to her, I don't know if I'll still treat you right," she said and hung up.

My weak knees fell to the ground, and I can't stand up anymore. I should've protected and took care of her even more. Everything I've done wasn't enough. I shouldn't have left the resthouse and just stayed beside her for the whole day. I should've held her hand when crossing the road. I should've grabbed her arms towards me when the van almost hit her. I should've done better, but I didn't.

It was me, who was to blame. Dear god, please don't take my everything away from me. She was the most precious gem I had in my whole life. I don't know what will happen to us if she'll die. What am I going to say to Bangtan and her friends? How am I going to convince her mother that there's nothing to worry of? How am I going to tell our little Jungha that everything is okay?

How am I going to survive when she's the reason why I'm still breathing?

"Jungkook, how's Haneul?" I heard Hoseok's bright voice, asking the same question I have asked myself.

"I.." I said and bowed my head low, "I don't know.."

Hoseok went closer to me and gave me a brotherly hug until I had unsuccessfully stop myself from crying. My eyes teared up (again) and I can hardly speak. I was stumbling and shaking out of worrying about Haneul. After a while, Hoseok asked me to sit and calm myself down first as he called the other members to come over to come and cheer me up.

It wasn't been a while until the other members came. Taehyung, Jimin, and Yoongi went over. But the rest stayed at home for the safety of the girls and Jungha. Jimin was the first one to give me a very wide smile. At first it was totally annoying, but after cheering me up, I was so flustered.

"Nothing bad will happen, I told you that Haneul and you will be happy living together with your precious Jungha. And it won't take years to end. It will last forever, so you better stop being so lifeless. You should always see the bright side in every problem or else you won't be able to solve it," Jimin spoke his words of wisdome smiling, even though I know he was also worried about Haneul.

"Thank you for always being here to cheer me up," I said as he wore a wide smile.

Taehyung sat down on the other side and gave me a funny look.

"Jungkook, look at me!" he said as he made his face a lot more funnier.

I smiled.

"Hey, aren't you too old for that?" Jimin suddenly chipped in.

"I'm never getting old," Taehyung said as Jimin rolled his eyes away.

"Jungkook, promise me you would do this face at the time Haneul wakes up," Taehyung said as I shook my head, "What? You won't do it? Then just forget about your wedding with her,"

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