A must read letter from the author

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Hey lovelies I just updated the Epilogue!!!

I know this book had just ended but I don't wanna say goodbye because goodbyes are sad and it makes me cry. It's like you're leaving. Instead of goodbye, let's say, "See you soon"? Since I'm still writing and would be publishing stories in the future.

Well, first of all.. I didn't expect this book to be gaining so much love and support. I started writing this like.. last year? No, t'was in April 2014. It lasted for already a year and I'm not shocked because I suck at scheduling my updates.

New readers that would be reading if i was his ms. right wouldnt know the struggle of the readers who waited everyday for the next chapter to be updated bc the book is already complete, i salute everyone tho for waiting like decades and begging me to update already. i apologize for being such a bad author since i suck at updating ㅠㅠ but i love you so much guys!!!

Second, thank you everyone who had loved this book and supported it all the way. Please support Bangtan more than as much as you supported this book!

Third, I would really miss you guys. I mean, the notifications that I would be receiving because of this book. Gaah, I'm crying ;;_;; Also, thank you so much for all the sweet messages you sent me through message board, twitter, ig, kktalk, etc. Please kept on sending ♡♡♡ especially on twitter, keep on mentioning me guys (@bubblyjikook) :)

Fourth, you guys became like my family. Although I rarely reply on your comments every chapter. It's kinda hard tho bc it takes like forever if I would ㅋㅋ Also I apologize for some of you who I hadn't gave replies u know im really busy in my real life and so many stuffs to do so im sorry.

Lastly, i hope i would meet all of you in the future and just hang around like real friends. Although it sounds impossible because you were like thousands and we are all on the other side of the planet. But i hope that day will come and we'd be hanging out with Bangtan lololol

I love you guys!! I swear my eyes are sweating idk what to say anymore you are like Haneul to me and I am Jungkook. I dont wanna lose you ㅠㅠ like never.

I would still publish books and as of now, my Jimin fanfic is published, "First Meeting". I hope you would support it and give love like what u did in this book. I love you guys!!!

See you very soon!!!



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