제10장 (Chapter 10)

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"Let go of her," he stated. Haneul gave me a confused look as she tried to escape from the both of us.

"You guys, please stop this!" she shouted as she pulled out her hand from us.

I let go of her and put my hands in my pocket as I looked at the guy seriously. Observing what he will do next.

"You're pissing me off," he said as he dragged her towards him.

"Hyungki, hajima! (stop it!)" she shouted as he let go of her. She touched her wrist and glared at the both of us.

I acted calm and fine as Hyungki was totally pissed. I love it when someone wanted to hurt me but can't because of a specific person.

"Haneul, I'll miss your kisses, let's do it again next time," I teased as I winked to Haneul. She was so confused that she can't say a thing.

Hyungki's eyes went big and looked at me with his face totally messed up that made me laugh inside.

"How dare you say that when she isn't your girlfriend.." he said as his fists were clenching.

"Did you know how hard for someone to do everything just for her to like him? Where is the respect in you?" he said as he faced me.

"Did you know that Haneul and I were best friends for about ten years and then there's you, ruining everything," he grabbed my collar as Haneul tried to stop him.

"You're not her boyfriend," I cried as I removed his hand from me. I glared at him.

"I am not her boyfriend, but I can be if she wants to. I can be if you hurt her, I can be if you'll leave her, because I'm always here for her. Unlike you, who just play her feelings and tell her you like her when you'll just end up making her cry," in those words, somehow made me realize all those faults I've made to her before.

But I don't have any reason to do it again, because I like her. And this time, I think I'm sure.

He held her hand gently as they both left. I opened the door and went out.


I went straight at where I should really go; the campus' field. I laid myself in the cool green grass field and looked up in the sky.

Sky.. Isn't it beautiful? Very calm, very flawless. It was Haneul. Her name means sky and it fits her perfectly. I like her. I whispered to myself.

I shut my eyes as I whispered her name, Lee Haneul.

"I am not her boyfriend, but I can be if she wants to. I can be if you hurt her, I can be if you'll leave her, because I'm always here for her. Unlike you, who just play her feelings and tell her you like her when you'll just end up making her cry," the words he said flashed back as I shot my eyes open.

Why do all of them think that I hurt her when I actually helped her a lot? The only mistake I did to her is that incident where she acted rude towards Jimin and then after that.. I helped her. Aw shit.

And honestly, I hate that "Jung f*cking Hyungki". How he acted towards Haneul as if she liked him. I messed my hair.

What? Jealous? No, I'm not. Why would I get jealous?


Okay, I am. They're so close, I thought I'm just the only one who can hold her hand that tight. I thought I'm the only one who can talk with her like that. I thought I'm the only one for her.

I got so complacent. I better stop doing it or else I'll get hurt again.

Like what happened between me and Sooyeon. I like her and I thought she likes me too. But I know that in the end, Taehyung will be the guy living with him for the rest of her life.

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