제12장 (Chapter 12)

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My eyes rolled over the tips of my eyelids, caused me to notice the beauty products I bought a while ago; dropped above the coffee table near the front door-a meter away from him.

Since he's here, maybe I can use this as revenge on what he've said to me.

"Yah! I'm just kidding," he cried as he messed my bun.

"Kidding? tsk, you mean it!" I shouted as I removed his hands away from me.

I was pretending to go upstairs, then he suddenly grabbed my knitted sweater that caused me to stop, of course.

"Haneul," he whispered. I turned back, giving him a glare. "I'm sorry, but please.. Let me stay here, just tonight, jebal (please)" he apologized.

I thought of doing my plan but, I got curious why he wanted to sleep here.

"Wait, why do you want to stay here? And this late? Is there any problem?" I asked and faced him.

"Well, kind of.. Family problem? And actually.. It's not just the two of us here," he said that made me think. Not just the two of us? Is he trying to scare me?

I quickly gripped on his hands and tugged myself into his arms-I looked around; no signs of paranormal things. Then, what is it? Who is it?

"What are you doing?" he said laughing as he kept on looking at me.

"You mean, there's a ghost?" I said, then, a sweet voice of a little girl was heard, giggling. If I'm not mistaken, I heard it from the backyard.

"Oh my god.. What was that?" I whispered as my grip got tighter.

He wrapped his arms around me and whispered, "Don't worry, you're safe," I quickly pushed him away and glared at him.

"I'm telling you, I'm not scared!" I cried, obviously lying because my voice was awfully shaking.

"Why would you get scared, it's just a little girl!" I can feel the roots of my hair raising; I'm scared!

"Stop fooling around!"

"Oppa!" the little girl suddenly spoke. And I felt she was behind me..

"KYYYYAAAAAAAA!!!!" I shouted and quickly hugged him.

He hugged me back; so tight that I agreed on what he've said, Don't worry, you're safe. I wish I'll feel Jeon Jungkook's hug when I'm near dying, it just makes me feel that everything's gonna be alright.

"Hey, it's okay. It's just my little sis, Mi hee," he answered as he patted my head.

I opened my eyes slowly as I turn back.

I saw not a ghost, but an angel.

Yes, it was his younger sister, Jeon Mi Hee. I met her last week. That was last Student's Day, she bumped into me when she was busy running for Jungkook. But, how did she enter the house? I haven't notice anyone except Jungkook a while ago.

I walked closer to her and bent my knees as I brushed her hair with my fingers, "Hi Mi hee, we've meet again! Anyway, how have you entered the house?" I asked. She was about to answer me when Jungkook suddenly lift her up, away from me.

He covered Mi hee's mouth as he whispered, "shh".

"Ya! That's child abuse!" I shouted as I tried to get Mi hee from him.

He quickly embraced Mi hee and ran around the living room, "We'll say it if you'll let us sleep here tonight,"

"I'll let you stay here if you'll say the reason why,"

If I was his Ms. Right {BTS JUNGKOOK FANFIC}Where stories live. Discover now