제14장 (Chapter 14)

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"Jungkook-ah, will you be joining us today?" Namjoon asked.

The school bell rung meaning the most awaited time of the day; dismissal.

"Uhm, I don't think so. I need to get Mi hee at noona's cafe, she's waiting me there" I said as they all nodded and got their bags. They quickly left and I'm still at school, busy fixing my things.

"Aigoo, thank god the test is over.." I whispered.

The test went good, not that difficult as I thought, except math and history. That part sucks. But, thank god english is pretty easy! I really strive hard on english because last time we had a test, I got only 4 out of 100! And imagine I'm a scholar, that's really shameful.

So, my schedule today is hectic. No time to visit Haneul, aish! But that's fine because I got to see her a while ago.

But I was really planning to tell her something. And I want to do it today, but I think I can't because I have so many things to do.

But if I had the chance to see her right now, I'll tell her.

I got my bag and went outside the room.

I looked around.. The hallway is crowded with seniors, busy chatting and chilling because the test is over. Actually, I should also be celebrating with Bangtan today but that little girl ruined it. I guess I'll just celebrate it with her.

I was on my way to a convenient store to buy fruit sodas for Mi hee but look what destiny made for me,

"Haneul!!" I yelled. She quickly turned back with her hands holding the straps of her bag.

She stopped and raised a brow, "What are you doing here? Your road is on the other side, right?"

I nodded and let out a wide smile, "Ah, yes. But I'll be getting Mi hee at the cafe,"

"Oh, I see. Well, I gotta go now! Mid terms next week! Jalgayo, (Goodbye,)" she waved her hand as the wind blew her hazelnut-colored hair.

"B-but wait.." she quickly left and didn't even gave me a glance.

God dammit, she's perfect.

I scratched my head as I scanned the surroundings. It's getting late, I need to hurry.

I went at the convenient store and looked for sodas. My eyes were busy finding a specific flavor, fingers on chin, thinking what flavor should I buy. Then, someone bumped me.

A girl wearing a simple casual wear, her hair is tied up neatly. She looked familiar, she's pretty.

My eyes were stuck at her for about how many minutes, mesmerized by her beauty. She's very attractive, I can't take away my attention to her!

"Ah, oppa.. Gwenchana? (Are you okay?)" she asked as she waved her hand on my face. Oh my goodness, how long am I staring at her?

"Ah.. Sorry," I said as I quickly removed my eyes from her. After that, she left the store.

Why do I still get attractive to other girls when I know I'm in love with Haneul? Or maybe that girl is really attractive.

So I continued picking sodas and I also bought jjajjangmyeon because I remembered Mi hee was craving for it.

On my way to cafe, I saw the 'casual wear girl', she's waiting for a taxi on the wrong place. Should I give her a help?

I walked towards her and it's obvious she noticed me. She stared at me and tried to recall where she had saw me.

"Oh, the 'soda oppa'," I heard her muttering. She gave a look again and smiled.

"You're waiting at the wrong place," I said as she raised a brow. "Muo? (what?)"

If I was his Ms. Right {BTS JUNGKOOK FANFIC}Where stories live. Discover now