제36장 (Chapter 36)

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"How can you make such a very delicious soup, my mom cant even do this kind of style..." I mumbled and kept on eating the soybean soup she prepared for me.

"You looked like Jungha when he's very hungry," I heard her muttering but I wasn't sure if I heard it right. Did she said I reminded her of Jungha?

I swallowed the food I was eating and raised my head to look at her beautiful face, "What did you say?"

She quickly turned her head away from me as her eyes blinked several times, it showed how much nervousness she was feeling right after I asked her that question. It looked like as if she doesn't want to admit that Jungha got some attitude from me.

"Nothing, just finish up your food.. And by the way, dont talk when you're mouth is full," she said and handed me a glass of water.

I nodded and pretended I didnt care about her actions, but it was obvious that she's trying to act cool (lol). You know, Haneul really loves to play hard-to-get since high school. I'm very proud, no guy can't take her except ME.

I took the last munch and finished my meal. I enjoyed it not only because she prepared it, but also because she stayed with me until i finished eating. We had a fun time joking around and it felt very nice to see her smiling because of me. I've missed seeing her laughing because of my lame jokes, seeing her getting tricked easily by my funny tactics, and just seeing her smile like how she did before. I am very glad that I have done it again for her.

After that, we cleaned up the whole area--starting from the kitchen down to the dining--we made sure it was 'mess-free'. We decided to finally go upstairs and go to bed since it's already late for us too still stay at the cafe; I followed her and stared at her perfect figure. She's so damn good, I'm so upset. I want to marry her as soon as possible, but knowing that Jung Hyungki finally got her, I think I had only .01% chance left.

"Is it okay if you'll just sleep on the sofa?" she asked as I nodded in contentment.

"Of course, but if you would allow me to sleep with you, much better" I joked as she rolled away her eyes.

"No." she replied and went inside their room to get the blanket and pillows that I will be using tonight.

A few minutes later, the door opened. Jaemin went out from the room and told me to stay there instead. I shook my head, knowing that Haneul would get pissed off if I do. She giggled, "Come on, dont worry. Ae sook and I will protect you," she comforted me as if she knew that Haneul would bite me if I agreed on her plan.

I think I had no choice, she wanted me to sleep there so bad ( and the fact that I want to stay on their room too) so I opened the door and saw Haneul, getting the blanket from the top bunk of their cabinet. I coughed.

"Jaemin told me to stay here instead," I said as she quickly turned to face me.

"W-woah," she gasped, "Ya! Cho Jaemin!" she yelled as Ae sook quickly hit her.

"Your Jungha is already sleeping, why do you need to shout?" she shout-whispered and pointed at the little boy, sleeping beautifully. I looked at him. Damn, he looked like her mother so much. He's so cute.

Haneul quickly covered her mouth and went towards Jungha, checking if she accidentally woke him up. I smiled, and Ae sook saw it. She gave me a pat on the shoulders and whispered, "Aren't they so cute?" she said as I nodded.

"They're so precious, I wish I haven't left them from the start,"

"Actually, you don't need to have regrets on your decision. Besides, you've regained your health and you went back to be with them again. I think that's what really matters." she replied as I let out another smile.

If I was his Ms. Right {BTS JUNGKOOK FANFIC}Where stories live. Discover now