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Well...I guess I'm headed back. See you at Thanksgiving and thanks for the ride." I tell Melle with a smile.

"Of course, Boo! Enjoy!"

I jump out of the car and walk up to Hanhover Hall.
It's really noisy in here.

Like so loud...louder than a typical Sunday afternoon...


Another surprise party?! For what..??

There are balloons everywhere and steamers... all with Picky Pug and Super Snail decor?? And even ZipperZpace, a small made for tv Disney movie..


Everyone is chanting and laughing...

"Super snail!! Hey!" They greet me.

Everyone is pointing and laughing and my show is playing on the big tv in the lounge.

"Omg such a loser!"

"Haha! He voices baby shows, what a dork!"

"Super snail! Super snail! Super snail!"

"That's right, Rony..we ALL know you're little secret. And we are going to turn your life to living hell now..." Tyler smirks with the weirdest evil Dexter laugh I have ever heard...


"Rony! Rony!"

I wake up hyperventilating.

"It's just a bad dream, ok?" Melle says softly as she strokes my hair.


"We are in the backseat as Mom and Dad drive you back to Greenstown, alright? You fell asleep ok? You're ok.."

Holy crap...

I never nap like that,..and a nightmare nonetheless?!


I rub my eyes and try to take deep breaths.

"What was your dream about?" Dad asks.

Why do parents always do that?! Do I really want to relive that if it brought me to tears?!

"Uh...m-my floormates made fun of mmmy v-v-v-v-voice acting.." I look down.

"You are so talented, Rony. You know that." Mom reminds me.

"That doesn't stop kids from laughing at the baby shows though, maybe he needs new material." Melle suggests.

Well there is the porn..😶

"I can be a grown up, Mama Slug! I can hold a briefcase! Just like papa!" I recite one of my lines in my squeaky snail voice.

"Well I sure hope you can, Ro. Because we are almost pulling into Greenstown." Mom chuckles.

"Oh no...we will need to say goodbye again.." Dad sniffles.

Oh my gosh...

This is the real reason I'll never break full time into the entertainment business..

Imagine my dad if I moved to LA or something? Forget it.. I'd be back home in less than a month.

"Call if you need ANYTHING." Mom reminds me for the 50th time as we pull into the parking lot of the residence halls.

"Yyyyes." I smile.

"I lllove you all s-s-so much."

We all get out for last hugs.

Rony's Greatest Gig #Wattys2019 [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now