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"IT'S A RED LIGHT!" I yell out in laughter while banging my fist on the horn.

Right now I'm trying to drive the guys out of the hell hole.

A.K.A our high school.

I continue tapping the horn a few more times into a musical pattern.

"Rony! You're going to piss him off!" Alek tries to say seriously, but keeps laughing.

"Please, the dr-drivers in this town are redonculous!"

Beep beep beep.

"Ok, Rony, seriously! I'd rather us not get attacked!"

It has been a tradition for us to carpool to school together everyday.

Honestly, if maybe only 65% of the students had SUVs instead of like the 95% reality, we would definitely all fit comfortably in this lot without needing to carpool. I'm not complaining though, it definitely made high school way better!

Driver side window moving down

Fancy ass cars that have to announce their every move...

"Ah, looker here. It was Mr. Picky Pug who was honking behind to me this whole time." The driver behind me sticks his head out the window and calls to me.

Of course William Oaks has to be the guy that was in that car...

Oh, I'm sorry. I mean, sports utility vehicle... *insert eye roll here*

This is the first time in a while that he has made sly comments to me. Can't say I'm surprised though. Him and Devin were on the soccer team together so he wouldn't dare say something to me in front of his teammate during the season. Devin would definitely go to the coach as backlash.
The guys and I are tight.

"Y-y-yep. Gooooood thing you only have to
sssssssee me one lllast time. A p-p-pleasure
sh-sh-sharing the road with you as always."
I kid back.

"Green.." Devin mumbles.

"Aaaaaaat least we are finally out of here!"
I cheer while hitting the gas pedal.

"Dude!" Alek screams.

"Sorry! Sorry! G-g-g-ot a bit too exciiiiited!"

"We survived the hellhole! We are done!" Miles cheers.

"Calm yourself, we still have one more half day of school tomorrow.
They n-n-need to end the year with four more hours just to squeeze out a llllittle more torture out of us." I roll my eyes as I slow toward a stop sign.

"Yeah, and we still have graduation in a few days, but still. Done with our last full day of classes. Done done done!" Miles adds.

"Looky here, Picky Pug! Look at me, I'm making fun of someone who voices for a pig while I am actually a pig! I did Sandra, and Julie, and Mallory all in one night at homecoming and then proceeded to get caught by my girlfriend who was actually happy about it because she was planning on breaking up anyway! Not to mention I ate too much while preparing for wrestling so instead of gaining muscle I just got pudgy!" I imitate William Oaks.

All the guys burst into laughter.

"Do Jacob Mill! Do Jacob Mill! He is such an a-hole!" Devin asks between bursts of laughter.

"Oooookay! Just hold on one s-second. I need to get back into character."

I close my eyes and try to breathe away the laughter.

Rony's Greatest Gig #Wattys2019 [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now