Thur dee fore

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It's Partay time!! 🎉 🎉

Yes, you are reading that right.

No, your boy was not hacked, but thanks for the concern.

Tonight is that stupid soccer frat party that Dev was supposed to be hosting but we are all in solidarity boycotting that sh*t and we are searching for another party to go to.
Little innocent me was like how do you know where a party is?

And Melle looked at me like I was a four year old asking how babies get made.

"Oh,'re still very cute." Melle laughs as she pulls out her phone.

"Boo, check these ones out on my phone. I gotta make Rony look presentable for a college Halloween party!"

I narrow my eyes.

"This is very d-demeaning..." I roll my eyes.

After scuffing through all the crap in my drawers we (Melle) ultimately settle on a sexy dog.

I pull on some adidas shorts, a white tee that Melle destroyed with black sharpie, and makeshift dog ears using a headband and some felt. No clue where the felt is from but Melle swears that "sorority girls come prepared".

"Yyyyoukay, Devin?" I check with Dev again.

"Huh? Oh...yeah. I don't want to dress up."

"Oh come on, Dev! You can't let these pooptards get you down!" Miles joins in.

"You know...why don't we all hop in with me and crash a Cornell party? We don't need a Greens party offense Rony."

"I don't need to go to a fancy snob school!" Dev mumbles.

"No, no, Dev! I just meant for a change...nothing wrong with..."

For the first time ever, Alek is flustered with a response...

"I'm sorry...fine, whatever...but I took a benzo earlier so I can't drive."

Alek looks up sympathetically.

"Yeah..that's fine, Dude. I got it. I won't drink anything."

Alek is the man...

What am I saying, I don't drink either lol.


"Oh, hey, Rony.." Billy greets me as he enters the room.

Billy is dressed like Buzz Lightyear and can pull it off well honestly!

"H-hey, Man. This is my roommate Billy, guys...Thiiiis is Alek, Miles,..and you know D-devin. They're my best friends from back home."

Poor, Dev. He sighed when he was the only one whose name I stuttered on.

Billy smiles.

"That's really nice you've got friends from home."

"So you're the mystery roommate! Rony is a stinky little liar with his whole British game and like,..banished us from meeting. Right, Baby Ro?" Melle gushes as she wraps her arms around my torso.

" many mmmushrooms did you take?" I laugh.

Melle just giggles and plops on top of my bed next to Miles. They are such an odd couple, mannn XD

All I know is I pull Miles aside and make him swear he won't touch a joint until they're back home safe together... smh...

"Oh, yeah...It was definitely because they're mmmushrooms!" Melle immitates.

"Stahhhp!!" I say playfully. "I'm telling mom y-you're ma-ma-mmmaking fun of me!"

Billy smiles.
"Well I've heard of you, Melle. A little more recently, but yeah.."

Rony's Greatest Gig #Wattys2019 [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now