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"L-l-l-llllllast day, Baby!" I greet Alek as I enter the mostly empty classroom.

It's the last day of high school so there's very few people here.

I'm still here because my parents made me.

Sorry, I wish I had a better reason for you.

We are sitting in the back of the room during "Senior Research" class. It's some stupid elective that Alek and I both decided to take together since it's supposed to be an easy A. The other guys poo poo'd it because they didn't like the sound of "research"...

Yeah, Miles and Dev aren't as interested in academics as Alek and I, sorry dudes.

Anyway, it was supposed to be an easy A.

That's because our teacher is a whack job and nobody knows where her head is at.
Apparently word got out that the class is super easy so the class overfilled and they needed another teacher to open more sections.

So guess who got stuck in the section with the 80 year old quirky cat lady who doesn't know how to grade properly?


I don't know if she's actually a cat lady, but Alek and I speculate that she is since her name is actually Mrs. Kitty.

Mrs. Kitty....

I might be a little biased about Mrs. Kitty because one day she said to me in front of the whole class, "Ugh! I'm sorry, but you sound like that annoying snail that my grandchildren listen to..."

Everyone burst into laughter and it gave these jerks way more fuel to use against me...

Besides the fuel they already have by Mrs. Kitty calling me "Rino" all the time since she can never get my name right...

Which I guess is understandable since she can't even remember this kid Bob's name so how can I expect her to remember Rony?!

"Please begin researching your topics boys!" Mrs. Kitty tells us since we are the only ones still sitting at one of the tables.

Does she even know it is the last day?

We get up and walk toward the computers in the back of the room.

"What's your topic? I'm sorry I have no idea what I'm doing in this class?" This girl Leah Lowe who never has any idea what's going on asks me. She's only still caring at this point because she'll likely flunk high school if she doesn't.

"Uh...I th-th-th-think it's the ssssssssame as it has been all y-year." I respond as I feel my eyes go dead.


It's June.

We got this assignment in September.

I hear Leah kind of giggle to herself.
Ok cool, laugh at me.
It's not like I'm not used to it.

"Well what's your topic? I need help..." Leah whines.

"Rony and I are actually working together on a project. You'll just need to figure it out on your own, sorry." Alek saves me.

"Thanks, Dude. At least I won't have to deal with that e-e-e-e-ever again."

"With what? Annoying people?"

"Uh, I wish! Unfortunately annoying people are a pretty abundant species. I meant needing to sssspeak like that to people unexpectedly."

"It's like today is the grand finale." I say as I crack into my British accent.

Alek looks up at me, adjusting his glasses.

"Dude, you're talking about what Devin told you the other day? I'm pretty sure he was joking. I hope you're not offended or anything." Alek whispers.

Rony's Greatest Gig #Wattys2019 [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now