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AN: I unpublished the last chapter since I am changing some minor details around. So if you read the part about Rony dying his hair (I know lolll) just ignore that please! Thanks :))

Today has been weeeeirddddd........

So next Friday is the premiere of our UK special and I have been practicing this quirky song they wrote for Picky Pug to sing. It's also pretty neat because they got some celebrities to join the cause and how can I not fanboy that Miranda Cosgrove is on the line up? She was low key my childhood celeb crush.

Anyway, besides all the voice gigs...I am also still a college student and I am also prepping for Halloween parties that will also be in these next two weeks leading up to Hallo.

Devin is happens to be planning the Halloween party for his soccer frat thing and ya boi will be going believe it or not.

But anyway...That's not even why today has been so weird..

So I just finished a physics lab exam #crushedit and immediately after I get a Jewish guilt group text with my mom, Devin's mom, and Devin. They're basically begging us to be good little mensches and go to Hillel tonight. I think mom is just taking advantage of the fact that I am not joining Greek life. Hillel is sort of like a frat that you don't need to pledge for because everyone is welcome to join and they bribe you with free food in hopes of you continuing with your Jewishness #ldorvdor.

Apparently Mom spoke to Devin's mom and she thought it would be "good for him" or some shit, I don't really know. Mom called me after and didn't go into that much detail but basically just told me to be a supportive friend and stuff, I don't really know..

But I'm cool with it, I'll take free food any day. I ain't picky.

Sorry, I am nearly 300 words in and still haven't made it to the weird part.

Dev and I had planned to meet at my room and I am currently outside the door with a sock on the doorknob and I can clearly hear Tyler is hangin with Billy....

As in my roommate Billy.

I still don't trust the guy and I really don't like the idea of him banging with my roommate in my room. And I don't trust his intentions.

I just want to run in there and tell Billy to find literally any other guy and that our scum of an RA better not hurt this sweet boy.

I slip out my phone and shoot Dev a text: My room is a no-go. Got any decent shabbat clothes I can borrow? Thanks boo.

I kind of just pace around the hallway for around ten minutes contemplating if it is acceptable to show up to a shabbat dinner in joggers and a hockey t-shirt.

OK, yeah, there are people who would just pick up the phone and call at this point but I still feel challenged in that skill...

Oh, f it..

I don't care if Dev is my best bro, I naturally feel a panicky anguish hearing the choir of death. Or as you may know as,...the dial tone.


"......." Yeah, just air.

But Devin doesn't hang up on me like retail stores do. He gets it.

"....yyyou coming tonight? You kn-know we can't let down our parents." I laugh. "Wwwwe were like the token Jjjews at Tuck."

I think Miles may be half or quarter Jewish or something but his family is pretty atheist.

Alek's family isn't that religious either. Low key though, Alek's family was like my dream family growing up. They always were the fun house to go to and his grandparents are from Chad and would make the best African dinners.

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