Class 1-A

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Hiroko is an extreme early riser, which has helped her keep distance from Izuku the last few days. She's even awake before Inko needs to get ready for work. Hiroko has breakfast, cleaned her dish, and is ready to head out to the train station hoping to explore the campus before too many people show up.

Before leaving Hiroko pauses and writes a note, "Got up early again and saw no one else up yet. Ate breakfast and packed a snack for later. Went to explore the campus. See you after class. -Hiroko"

Hiroko puts the note on the table before leaving and running to the train station. There are some people dressed for work, but in general it is mostly empty.

"I'm still not used to skirts, at least there's no rule about wearing fun leggings with them," Hiroko fidgets with the hem of her skirt and puffy bow tie she finally got right.

Hearing her stop called out she quickly stands up and does one last check of her attire in the window before the train comes to a stop. Adjusting her mask slightly, touches the braids on the one side of her head, and appreciating the contrast her blue-black hair has with the rest of her attire. The train stops and she dashes off as quickly as possible toward her new school.

"This place is incredible!" she shouts with her arms wide staring from the entrance of the school. "I wonder what amenities they have. I hope they have a gym available for independent training."

She begins wandering the campus checking in various rooms and hallways. She is unaware some of the teachers have noticed her exploring when back at the teacher's lounge the discuss how interesting the new first years seem.

Aizawa complains, "They have too much youth." He proceeds to try and rest on one of the chairs with his yellow sleeping bag zipped up as far as it can.

"Isn't that a good thing?" Midnight asks looking at her colleague with surprise.

"Not for our dear Aizawa here," Present Mic pats his friend, Aizawa, on the back a few times. "If they are too energetic, he will never get to sneak in naps."

Midnight and a few of the other staff members try to stifle laughter knowing Present Mic is right. The other teachers discuss how its refreshing to have a strong group of hero candidates and how there could be potential in the general studies groups as well.

Interrupting the light conversation Principal Nezu speaks, "Good morning again teachers! Glad to see you are still feeling inspired by my 6:30AM meeting." Groans can be heard from every staff member.

Nezu ignores it, "Any way. Don't forget we have orientation today starting at 8:15AM. Starting right on time so don't be taking your time." Nezu seems to be directing these statements at a specific exhausted teacher trying to continue sleeping in his bright yellow sleeping bag.

"Well, I will let you get to your preparations class starts in 10 minutes," the principal announces before the leaving the staff to panic on how little time they have.


Hiroko completed a decent amount of exploring and decides to finally go checkout the classroom. To her surprise there are already students there.

"Hi everyone!" Hiroko exclaims with hands waving hello with full enthusiasm.

A few people say hi or wave, most are caught off guard by the energy so early in the morning. Hiroko bounds to one of the seats in back. Sitting next to a brunette girl that seems familiar.

"Have we met?" Hiroko blatantly asks starring closely at the girl.

The small brunette politely responds, "I don't think so, but let's fix that." She extends a hand, "Im Ochako Uraraka. It's a pleasure to meet you."

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