Proper Introductions

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"Mmm-my he-a-d," Hiroko mumbles and winces in pain. She isn't able to shift to get comfortable. She keeps her eyes closed thinking through her situation while her body adjusts.

I'm tied to a chair. My mouth is covered. Ouch my head really hurts. And my hands are tied behind me, Hiroko goes through every detail of her restraints.

"Looks like she's waking up. How exciting," a girl's voice causes Hiroko's eyes to burst open.

Hiroko looks at the room filled with villains and then hears rattling of chains next to her.

She gasps and mumbles, "Bb-ak-go." Seeing Bakugo arms and legs restrained in a chair just like her, she scowls seeing he didn't get a muzzle.

Bakugo's eyes show a moment of relief and then a more intense rage appears as he looks towards the villains. Hiroko huffs feeling frustrated by not being able to speak with the cloth part of the muzzle and she uses her fire breathe knowing the flames will burn her.

"I told you she would make a great addition," Kurogiri states seeing her not even flinch at the small burns from using her quirk.

"Addition for what, you creeps. I'm not helping you with anything," Hiroko clenches her teeth so she can speak while spitting flames after every word.

Her rational thinking isn't the best with the combination of a headache from being knocked-out and waking up in the stuffy bar.

"I liked it better when she was quiet," Shigaraki mocks.

"It's great seeing her again. Who is she? She's the villain's daughter of course," Twice speaks to himself.

"SHUT THE HELL UP TWICE," Hiroko snarls

"A villain's daughter with a fire quirk interesting?" Dabi steps forward.

Hiroko and Dabi stare each other down. Spinner and Toga watch closely getting excited to see things unfold.

"Villain? What are you talking about? Hiroko!" Bakugo demands breaking the staring contest.

Hiroko presses her lips into a thin line not willing to say anything. She can't even bring herself to look at Bakugo, instead choosing to look down at the floor not wanting to explain. Unfortunately for her Twice is more than willing to share.

"Yeah, she's that villain's daughter. I recognize that scar anywhere, what's his name? Oh, you mean, Blacksmith? Yeah him!" Twice exclaims and Hiroko tenses confirming his words.

"The international flame villain? The one that is known to have a hand in running the largest underground trade market?" Spinner asks while Twice furiously shakes his head in agreement.

Shigaraki is clearly getting annoyed with not getting straight forward answers, "Why do you know her, Twice?"

"That's easy. I worked for her dad and she would sneak off to meet us when he wasn't watching. That little twirp always got us in trouble," Twice reminisces.

Hiroko bites her lip resisting to speak. Her knuckles begin turning white.

"Why's she here and in a hero course if her dad's a villain?" Dabi asks.

"I don't know. Last time I saw her she set a medical clinic on fire to help her dad escape. Maybe the cops caught her thinking she was a bystander?" Twice speculates.

Shigaraki smiles the largest and most demented smile. Bakugo watched Hiroko the entire time seeing her reactions and frustration. Dabi also watched in curiosity rather than pure admiration like the others.

"Our offer to you only makes more sense for you both to accept without hesitation," Shigaragki begins acting like his idea is already complete and both students are eager to be a part of whatever he wants.

"SHUT THE HELL UP WILL YOU," Both Bakugo and Hiroko shout at the same time.

Dabi laughs, "Maybe not so willing after all." He goes to the tv and turns the volume up.

The news media is drilling questions at the UA school and teachers in charge of 1-A and 1-B classes. Seeing the teachers get backed into a corner and the media painting a horrible picture of the school. Hiroko quickly loses her initial defiance and starts worrying how bad things could get for the school if it gets associated with her dad's work.

Bakugo's eyes are enraged and bloodshot listening to the news and the way they are viewing Hiroko as a criminal.

"Our purpose is to question society. What is a hero? What is justice? Who decides on these kinds of things in such a black and white manner? We have to think about these things to evolve," Shigaraki gives his recruitment speech.

"Dabi release Bakugo's restraints."

"Why only his? He will just attack you."

"Hiroko is a good insurance to make sure he doesn't flee. He still sees her as a classmate rather than the villain she clearly is. Also, I don't trust her quite yet."

"Twice you do it," Dabi states and then leans against the wall.

Twice hesitates, but releases Bakugo from his chains. Immediately being freed he sends attacks at Twice and Shigaraki.

"You're damn scouting won't work on me. I plan to win like All MIGHT. Joining you losers won't get me anywhere close to becoming number one," Bakugo states with pride and is positioned to fight if needed.

The tension in the room grows thick the villains are ready to attack. Shigaraki holds his hand up stopping everyone in their tracks.

"How heroic. What an idiot he's going to get killed," Twice double speaks.

"Don't be rash we can talk this out. Or maybe Hiroko can convince you," He takes a step toward her.

Bakugo steps in front of his path, "Don't you come near us."

"Pizza Delivery!" a voice shouts from behind the door.

Everyone looks around in confusion. Then the outer wall explodes in with debris flying everywhere.

"WE ARE HERE!" All Might shouts.

The villains are restrained by Kamui Wood and Dabi gets knocked out by Gran Torino. Bakugo quickly moves to help free Hiroko from the chair restraints.

"I am sorry to have you wait. This was a very scary situation but you are safe now," All Might comforts.

"I WASN'T SCARED," Bakugo holds back emotions while Hiroko hasn't moved from the chair.

"All this work. All this planning. We had everything so well setup. It can't end like this," Shigaraki becomes more agitated making the heroes on guard.

Gran Torino speaks, "Tell us where your boss is. Right now."

Shigaraki continues his rant, "This is not the end. Only the beginning. All for One I need assistance."

"All for One," Hiroko says barely above a whisper, but gets the attention of All Might and Bakugo.

A static voice can be heard, "All you have to do is ask for help and I will come."

Black goo begins pouring out Nomus while it also encapsulates the villains causing them to disappear. The Nomus' appearance causes All Might to miss the fact both Bakugo and Hiroko are being taken as well.

"Nooooo!" All Might screams seeing the teens engulfed and after he fails to reach them before being taken once again.

A/N: That has to be so gross to travel through goo. Does it go away once you teleport? I imagine there's some kind of residue, gross. Hope you enjoy the small insight into Hiroko's past. More will be explained later and no, this isn't based on manga or the anime it's my own idea of who Mr. Midoriya was. Thanks for reading. 

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