USJ the Real Fight (Part 2)

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With insane speed All Might runs up grabbing Midoriya, Tsu, and Mineta. He tries to grab Hiroko but sees the bruise forming on her leg from the creature's grip.

"I'm sorry to be so late," All Might says softly to the young heroes after setting them near Aizawa.

"All Might! What about Hiroko?!" Midoriya asks in a panic

"Have no fear young Hiroko I will get you out of that villains grasp," All Might states with all the authority of being the number one hero and symbol of peace.

Hiroko's eyes threaten to have tears overflow. She feared for her brother and classmates and was feeling relief having them out of harms way. She only now realized the dire situation she is in after hearing All Might's declaration.

The hand villain mumbles, "I wasn't prepared. Of course, a pro hero would resort to violence. I should have seen it sooner; you were right father he is getting slower."

Midoriya panics hearing this, "All Might you can't take him. He's too powerful, I couldn't even harm him when I tried to smash him."

All Might does his signature pose, "Young Midoriya I got this." He instructs them to take Aizawa to safety. They hesitate, but Mineta and Tsu follow his orders.

Hiroko can't hold back a tear from escaping her eye after hearing Midoriya seem more concerned with All Might than about his own sister. In that moment she couldn't hold in her feelings. She used the full force of her pull quirk to rotate the creature's hand, where she is face to face with it.

"YOU MONSTER!" Hiroko shouts and begins blasting the creature with an intense blaze of spiraling flames.

The creature releases her to shield its face. All Might swoops in to catch her and place her an arm's reach away. All Might begins smashing the creature one punch after another. The wind from the blows cause Hiroko to roll backwards.

"Guess Young Midoriya was right when he said it has no effect on you," All Might announces still showing off his perfect white teeth smile.

Hiroko finally lands on her feet after tumbling from each punch sending shockwaves at anyone nearby. Only to see All Might and the creature in a twisted position.

"Smart move trying to smash Nomu in the ground like that so it can't move around, but with Kurogiri here you have no chance," the hand villain explains.

"OUT OF MY WAY DEKU!" Bakugo shouts while blasting a hand appearing in the purple smoke from the hand villain aimed at Midoriya running haphazardly toward All Might. Kirishima attacks the hand villain forcing him to flee back.

Hiroko sees the blood on the side of All Might and the scarring on the Nomu's arms from her attack earlier. She begins taking in a deep breath to strike again when ice appears around the purple smoke and Nomu creature allowing All Might an opportunity to escape.

Todoroko, Kirishima, Midoriya, Hiroko, and All Might regroup toward each other. Bakugo holds down Kurogiri by blasting a strange metal sleeve surrounded by the purple smoke.

"You aren't immune to physical attacks," Bakugo growls. "As long as I keep applying pressure here you can't go anywhere." Bakugo releases small explosions on the metal.

"Not very heroic sounding," Kirishima taunts. Hiroko giggles appreciating the momentary distraction to calm the shaking feeling she is only noticing now.

To everyone's horror the Nomu smashes the part of its body in ice. Only to regenerate the entire limb without any trouble.

"Stay back!" All Might commands. He looks at the hand villain "What is this thing?"

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