Bakugo and Ida versus Midoriya and Urarak. They are the first villain vs hero team match up
A fight between Bakugo and Midoriya begins almost immediately and it is intense. Everyone cheers and worries at the same time that Bakugo is getting too rough.
Hiroko watches closely and begins muttering to himself, "Bakugo is actually being really controlled. He could have easily burned Midoriya and Uraraka in that last attack. He focused his attack towards the wall so the impact wouldn't be as direct. It seems pretty calculating and yet stupid to do this in an enclosed building."
Mina nudges you while giggling, "Hiroko you seem really out of it are you ok?"
Hiroko laughs and rubs the back of her neck feeling awkward, "Sorry about that I was thinking through how they are using their quirks. Must have got caught up in my thoughts."
The rest of the fight continues being dramatic. Ends with the heroes winning, Ida being the MVP, and Midoriya heading to the nurse's office...again.
Bakugo comes in and sits away from everyone else after feeling frustrated from the loss. Hiroko is tempted to talk to him then decides he probably needs space.
"Todoroki and Hiroko (heroes) vs Hagakure and Ojiro (villains). You are up next," All Might announces.
The teams take their positions. Hiroko has her arms crossed finding it hard to even look at Todoroki before their turn was called.
"Begin!" All Might announces and timer starts. Todoroki stomps his foot and freezes the entire building.
"Stay here so you don't get stuck," he says to Hiroko before walking to the building.
"Like hell I'm staying here!" Hiroko yells, as she follows him in.
They make it to the second floor. Hiroko is grateful for her cleat/slick switching shoes, since it's the only reason she could keep up with Todoroki. They come across a soft cloud appearing and disappearing with two footprints in the ice.
"Oh my gosh! Hagakure is that you," Hiroko asks.
"ye-ye-yes," she can't even speak from being so cold.
"We need to help her," Hiroko demands of Todoroki.
"She's the enemy we need to get to the doomsday weapon and that's all," he states before walking past her.
"NO! We are helping her!" Hiroko shouts with heat coming from her behind her mask. Hiroko takes out capture tape.
"Hagakure can you stick your hands out for me?" Hiroko asks.
"Sh-sh- sure," Hagakure replies.
Hiroko wraps her hands, "there now she's out and we can help. Hagakure climb on my back and wrap the cape around you to get warm."
"Fee-fe-feet are stuck," she squeaks out.
Hiroko speaks through gritted teeth, "Todoroki. Unfreeze her feet. Now!"
He reluctantly unfreezes them. And Hagakure scrambles onto Hiroko's back. Hiroko is surprised Todoroki used heat to melt the ice; she thought he only had a water/ice quirk.
"Sorry if this is awkward for you, but at least you won't get frostbite," Hiroko tries to distract the poor naked girl.
They move forward to the doomsday device and see Orijo in a similar situation as Hagakure. At least he has shoes and clothes. Todoroki and Hiroko easily win the round. Todoroki melts all the ice before turning to his teammate.
Hiroko shouts over to Orijo without breaking eye contact with Todoroki, "Hey Orijo. Do you mind taking Hagakure outside in the sun?"
Orijo hesitates, "Ummm sure."
Hiroko wraps Hagakure in her cape and lets Orijo carry her out. When they are gone Hiroko loses all sense of sanity.
"That was your plan! That was the dumbest idea ever! You could have really hurt them and who knows how the building would handle such a drastic temperature change?" Hiroko is furious and hits the button on her cheek to retract her mask.
The heat from her yelling was causing flames to prick against her face. "Don't you have anything to say for yourself other than pretending this was perfectly ok to do to your classmates." More flames come from her mouth.
Todoroki's eyes are wide looking at Hiroko's exposed face. He never thought much about why she was wearing the mask. He now sees the highly damaged skin on the right side of her mouth and face. He directly stared at the scar not responding to what she said.
Hiroko realized that she removed her mask without thinking and that he is starring directly at her burn mark. Hers looks worse than the one he has over his eye. Seeing him unable to look away, Hiroko panics thinking he might be reliving his own trauma seeing her scar.
"Sorry," Hiroko whispers before quickly putting her mask back on and dashes away from her teammate.
Returning to the rest of the class they cheer to the hero team's victory. Many of them going up to Todoroki to praise his quick work and use of his quirk.
Hiroko sits away from the class not feeling the best about her performance and possibly causing Todoroki to relive something horrible. Hagakure and Oriji come in a little later.
"Thanks for helping me I really appreciate it," Hagakure comes over to return Hiroko's cape.
Hiroko nods her head, not feeling like talking at the moment.
Bakugo notices Hiroko's odd behavior and is wandering what her conversation with the Half&Half was to cause her to be in a foul mood.
Bakugo, "Tsks" and shakes his head telling himself it doesn't mater to him.
Hiroko hears Bakugo and can't help looking over. He almost seems in a worse mood after her battle. Not wanting to think about it or watch the other battles she pulls out earbuds to listen to music and tune out the world for a moment.
The class comes to an end, All Might leaves everyone to go check on Midoriya. The students debate how long they can slack off before going back to class.
"Tsk, you idiots. I'm not ruining my GPA because you want to be lazy," Bakugo growls before walking back to the main campus.
Everyone panics realizing they have to go back as well. Hiroko is distracted by her match and too many other thoughts that she decides she needs to get one worry off her plate.
"Hey guys I'm going to stop at the nurse's office real quick I feel I'm getting a headache," Hiroko says.
"I hope it's not too severe. Do you need one of us to go with you?" Momo Yaoyorozu offers.
"No need. It's a small headache. Should be back before class even starts," Hiroko waves at them before running to the nurse.
A/N: the battle pairings are complete. Sadly, Hiroko didn't get a chance to show off her kick butt abilities this time. Have no fear she will get her opportunity soon. Thanks for reading! Please remember to vote or comment if you like the story.

BNHA Siblings: The Anxious & The Exuberant
FanfictionMy Hero Academia fanfiction following the Anime series with my own twists and OC. Hiroko Midoriya is the daughter of Inko and Hisashi Midoriya, aka Izuku's sister. She is a 16year old girl with blue black hair, has both her parents' quirks (Pull an...