Midoriya winds up his pitch and then the ball flops to only a few meters. He looks around completely confused to see Aizawa with a scarf floating and bright red eyes.
"You you're Eraser Head!" Midoriya shouts.
Before Midoriya can continue Hiroko jumps in, "No way! You are THE Eraser Head! I thought you could only be seen at night doing the most insane stealth missions."
Hiroko clears he throat pretending she didn't just blurt all the fangirling out, "I mean that's cool."
Hiroko slinks behind the other students and sits in a ball waiting to die of embarrassment. Mina mentally decides Hiroko is going to be a lifelong friend after knowing her for a single day.
Aizawa clears his throat and addresses Midoriya directly, "You can't keep depending on others to save you. What are you going to do in a real fight when your bones are broken? Are you going to force another hero to stop what they are doing in order to save you?"
"N-no of course not, I will be a real hero and not a burden to others," Midoriya turns ready to try again with new conviction as well.
"Fine I gave back your quirk. Let's see what you can do," Aizawa states and throws him another ball.
Hiroko leans over to watch between people's legs feeling too ashamed to get up at the moment, but still wanting to see Midoriya's mystery quirk.
Midoriya winds up and begins to shout as he releases the ball. It goes flying further than anyone thought it would.
"705 meters, very good and you are still in one piece," Aizawa comments.
"What the HELL DEKU! You quirk-less loser" Bakugo shouts as he runs with his hands exploding.
Hiroko is on her feet hearing what Bakugo yelled and she starts seeing red. Before she can react further, she's caught off guard by Bakugo being entangled in Eraser Head's scarf.
Hiroko mumbles low enough so no one hears, "Lucky." She still remains pissed off hearing the name she remembers her brother writing in letters about times when he was getting bullied by other kids...Deku.
"Calm down. I'm tired of these outbursts and am ready to remove whoever speaks next out of turn," Aizawa says with a dead serious tone. "I'm getting serious dry eye by overusing my quirk like this."
The students are scared stiff by their teacher's power on full display. Midoriya slowly walks past Bakugo with fear and then a head down avoiding Hiroko as he passes. He ends up standing near the end with Uraraka.
"Go stand with the rest of the class while we finish up this test," Aizawa puts drops in his eyes to help relieve his dry eye. "Hiroko you're up next."
Hiroko stops staring at Midoriya in the corner of her eye to take a moment to stare Bakugo dead in the eyes before passing him. She picks up the ball and tosses it a few times while facing the group and away from the field.
"How many tries do I get?" She asks with extreme concentration, similar to what Aizawa saw from the entrance exam video.
"Two," Aizawa states
"Is it height or distance?"
"Can anyone else touch the ball?"
"No. Only you," Aizawa stares watching Hiroko surprised by all the questions.
A light happy expression returns, "Ok this will have to do then." She drops the ball casually and as it nearly touches the ground it comes speeding right at her face where her hands are making a circular shape. She drops to the ground hard to look back watching the ball fly.
She lays there a moment more looking at the class's mix of terrified, dumbfounded, and confused faces. Aizawa is shaking his head at her recklessness and muttering something about youth.
"712 meters," Aizawa states.
Causing everyone to burst out in applause and cheering at the new high score, other than Urakaka's infinity score of course.
Hiroko goes over to Urakaka and high fives her, "I'm coming for your record next." She teases her new friend.
Only to get a surprising response from Urakaka, "You keep dreaming." Both girls smile at their similar competitive natures.
The results get tallied up with Momo Yaoyorozu getting first, Hiroko in second, Shoto Todoroki in third, and Katsuki Bakugo in forth. Izuku Midoriya is in last place.
"Good work today everyone go back and change. You are done for the day," Aizawa announces.
"Wait is no one being expelled from the program," multiple students ask.
Aizawa groans, "Not today. You all proved you want to be here and have some makings of a hero so everyone passed today. Remember these are your class rankings for quirk use. Learn from your mistakes and find ways to improve."
Aizawa ignore the raised hands and shouting questions. Leaving the students to head back to the main campus on their own. Seeing the students disperse, Aizawa walks up to All Might who has been watching the class from the beginning.
"Can you try to be less obvious next time you stalk my class," Aizawa taunts.
"I wanted to see how the students would do and I feel you are being really hard on the young Midoriya," All Might states.
Aizawa stares at him not sure which one he means, "Don't you think its to early to be having favorites? I was tough on all of them. It was to make sure they prove to me and themselves they want to be here."
All Might appears taken back by his colleague's reasons. He tries to think through their full intentions, "So you have no plans to expel the students?"
"I never said that. I've been debating giving Hiroko detention since her first outburst this morning," Aizawa mentions Hiroko to gauge All Might' reaction. "I might do it to discourage others like Bakugo or Kaminari from acting up in a similar fashion."
All Might doesn't flinch. Aizawa determines he is unaware there are two Midoriya's in the class since he isn't jumping to Hiroko's defense. Aizawa is greatly looking forward to when All Might realizes his mistake.
A/N: I'm personally obsessed with my own story right now and going on a full writing spree that will absolutely guarantee a well maintained regular posting. Thanks for reading. I'd love to hear what you think of the story or characters so far.

BNHA Siblings: The Anxious & The Exuberant
FanficMy Hero Academia fanfiction following the Anime series with my own twists and OC. Hiroko Midoriya is the daughter of Inko and Hisashi Midoriya, aka Izuku's sister. She is a 16year old girl with blue black hair, has both her parents' quirks (Pull an...