Move to U.A.

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Hiroko's spirits and strength returned quicker than the doctors expected. After less than a week she is able to get by with a crutch to help her keep balance more than anything. Seeing this progress she was released to finish recovering at home.

Hiroko and Midoriya receive letters about U.A. establishing dormitories for students to help protect them better and provide more training opportunities with them being on campus.

"This is so exciting I can't believe we will get to be on campus. This will give us so many more opportunities!" Midoriya is freaking out and planning every detail of the move.

Hiroko stares at her letter and responds with no emotion, "Yeah. I'm sure it will be great, Izuku."

Izuku's eyes go wide after hearing his sister. Hiroko looks into the kitchen to see their mom staring at a pot of overboiling water.

"Mom," she shouts getting no response.

"Hey! Mom!" Hiroko is louder causing her mom to jump in surprise.

"Ahhh the water!" Inko freaks out turning off the stove to stop the overflowing water in turn making Hiroko snicker at her mom's reaction.

"I'm going to do my exercises in my room before dinner," Hiroko excuses herself.

"Is something wrong mom?" Izuku asks.

The doorbell rings gaining their attention. Hiroko continues to her room to work through the physical therapy exercises. Izuku goes to answer the door.

"All- All Might!" Izuku stutters. "What are you doing here?"

"Izuku don't be rude let him in," Inko shouts with surprising calm.

Both their composure breaks when All Might smiles and steps into the house.

"All Might is in my house."

"I can't believe he's really here!"

"This is so unexpected and wonderful"

All Might pretends to not hear their mumbling praise. He gets distracted when he passes Izuku's room seeing the highly decorated All Might theme. He nearly walks into the wall not expecting this level of fandom from one of his students.

"Please sit down," Inko offers still having trouble controlling her excitement.

"Yes. Thank you," All Might scratches the back of his neck feeling awkward under their stares.

"What brings you to our home Mr. All Might?" Inko questions.

"I wanted to talk about U.A. dorms and how the school wishes to do better. We sent letters explaining the dorms and reasoning, but we also came in person to explain the state of the art systems we have..."

"No," Inko states flatly.

"MOM!" Izuku shouts in surprise. "What do you mean?"

"I don't want you staying on campus. I don't know if I want you going back at all," her voice shakes.

"But Mom"

"No Izuku I can't stand the though of you two being in danger like that. It's too much to ask," she tries to hold back tears.

All Might gets concerned, "Ms. Midoriya please hear me out."

"No. I'm sorry but I can allow it," she maintains her composure the best she can.

All Might and Izuku share a concerned look not sure how to proceed. Their silent conversation is interrupted by a door slamming open and a figure coming out of the hallway.

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