Hiroko catches up to the other students and regrets her decision to join them after five hours of fighting mud creatures, "Why did I do this? I'm so tired and not even sure if we are going the right way."
"Come on Hiroko we have to be getting close," Sero tries to reassure her.
"No, we are all doomed and never going to see civilization again! Tokoyami, can Dark Shadow carry me? I can't go on," Hiroko becomes more dramatic as time goes on.
"SHUT UP YOU NERD!" Bakugo yells at her. "We made it."
He pulls back a branch to reveal the camp site. Seeing this Hiroko bursts to life and rushes into the clearing.
"We are alive! WILSON! WE MADE IT WILSON!" Hiroko starts incorrectly shouting movie quotes.
"Is she ok?" the Pussycats ask in unison.
"Yeah, you get used to it. Or just ignore it like I do," Aizawa states before doing a final check around the camp.
The Pussycats address the class, "You all did fairly well we didn't expect you for another hour or two. Todoroki, Bakugo, Midoriya, Ida, and Hiroko."
Hiroko doesn't even hear the praise, "I'm so HUNGRY! I'm going to starve to death. I'm too young to die. Too young and too pretty"
She continues her complaining. Causing the class to laugh at her one track mind.
"How do you even have energy to complain so much?" Kaminari teases flopping on the ground next to her.
She laughs, "it's one of my many talents."
"Alright since you all worked so hard we made you dinner, but don't get used to it!" the blue Pussycat shouts at everyone.
"That's right after today you will be in charge of making your own meals," the pink Pussycat explains.
The students cheer for food and not having to wait. Mina offers her a hand up which she takes gratefully.
"Hey. What about me?" Kaminari complains.
Hiroko uses her pull quirk and he goes flying towards her, but she doesn't have the energy to move. He falls on top of her. They lay in an awkward positioning gaining the entire classes attention.
Hiroko hysterically laughs, "That didn't work."
Mina and Kirishima help them up. Hiroko still laughing like a mad woman and Kaminari blushing at laying on top of Hiroko for a second. Mineta starts complaining about how lucky he is.
The Pussycats address the class again when a small boy come out of the main cabin, "Also we would like to introduce you to Kota, he is my nephew and will be staying here during your training. You will meet the other Pussycats later in the week."
Midoriya tries to befriend the boy, "Hello I'm Izuku Midoriya. You can call me Iz..."
The boy kicks Midoriya where the sun doesn't shine, causing all the boys to cringe and reflexively protect. Poor Midoriya lays on the ground unable to move.
"Maybe this trip won't be so bad," Bakugo laughs seeing Midoriya's pain.
Hiroko kicks him lightly in the shin glaring at him.
"What? You know that was funny too," Bakugo
Hiroko fails hiding her smirk, "No I don't."
"Liar," Bakugo whispers as she passes to stand with the other girls.
They all get their fill of food. Hiroko is the most vocal for praising their kindness and cooking. Kirishima and Kaminari are a close second.
After dinner they go get cleaned up in the hot springs with the boys on one side and girls on the other.

BNHA Siblings: The Anxious & The Exuberant
FanfictionMy Hero Academia fanfiction following the Anime series with my own twists and OC. Hiroko Midoriya is the daughter of Inko and Hisashi Midoriya, aka Izuku's sister. She is a 16year old girl with blue black hair, has both her parents' quirks (Pull an...