"Ms. Midoriya. What did you want to talk about today?" Principal Nezu asks.
"I would like your permission to become a villain, Sir." Hiroko says with a blank expression.
Gasps from All Might and Aizawa draw Hiroko and Nezu's attention.
"This isn't a rash decision is it Ms. Midoriya?" Nezu drinks his tea as if having a typical chat.
"Sir." Hiroko speaks. "I can promise you I have thought about this a lot."
All Might shrinks back to his frail self. Aizawa clears his throat.
"Why ask permission? You could drop out and start with petty crimes."
"All Might please sit down so Ms. Midoriya can explain," Nezu pours a cup of tea for him.
"But!" He sighs, "Alright."
"Ms. Midoriya if you will," Nezu waves his paw.
"Yes, Sir," she says meeker than before. "As you know I have my international provisional exam."
All three nod their heads in acknowledgement.
"I think I've made too much of a name for myself unfortunately. Every time I am seen I get associated with villains."
Aizawa speaks up, "That is the public's misperception caused by reckless media reporting. And I promise we are working to correct their..."
"Thank you," Hiroko quickly stands up and bows, distracting Aizawa. "I understand the efforts you are making, but I actually think you should stop."
"All Might please don't interrupt," Nezu takes a sip of tea.
Aizawa and All Might share a frustrated look.
"I would like to change my work study more towards the underground heroes. I have grown up in a unique opportunity to already have connections to the seedier parts of world and think I could do some good," she forces a smile hoping they will hear her out.
"I'm not sure how familiar you are with Detective Tsukauchi," Hiroko glances at All Might while the others smirk. "I can promise he can vogue for my background and you have all seen how well I've been adapting my quirk."
"Yes you have, but you have been focusing a bit too much on your pull quirk only," Aizawa says mater of fact.
Hiroko pales, nodding her head in understanding.
"Seems you've thought a lot on this," Nezu sets down his tea. "Have you considered how this effects your current and future relationships."
"Yes. I'm pretty sure I will lose every connection I've made, including reconnecting with my family," she becomes solemn. "But this is also why I have to do this. I think I can make a real change in crime if I become a part of it."
Aizawa laughs, "That might be the most insane thing I have ever heard."
"But, Sir!"
"And I support your decision."
"WHAT?!" All Might and Hiroko yell in unison.
"She makes great points and I don't think this is her asking permission."
Hiroko gives a crocked smile and avoids Aizawa's eye contact.
"Very well. You will need special training and start working with Detective Tsukauchi if you are going to do this the right way."

BNHA Siblings: The Anxious & The Exuberant
FanfictionMy Hero Academia fanfiction following the Anime series with my own twists and OC. Hiroko Midoriya is the daughter of Inko and Hisashi Midoriya, aka Izuku's sister. She is a 16year old girl with blue black hair, has both her parents' quirks (Pull an...