Chapter 12

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Once the movie finally ended Jake and Bella never returned, and neither did Mike but Jane didn't really care for him anyway

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Once the movie finally ended Jake and Bella never returned, and neither did Mike but Jane didn't really care for him anyway. "So what's the move Swan you hungry?" Paul asked as they began walking out of the theater towards his truck. "Food. Definitely need food I'm starving." Jane groaned grabbing her stomach to show she was hungry. Paul laughed before hopping in his truck with Jane in suit.

"How about pizza? Theirs a small restaurant just down the road. Unless you hate pizza then we can get something else."He asked making her look at him like he was dumb. But Paul just wanted this to go well so maybe she'd hangout with him again. "Of course I like pizza, everyone likes pizza." She stated with a bit of attitude that he actually found cute. "Pizza it is then. You don't mind anchovies then do you?" He asked jokingly but Jane raised an eyebrow and scrunched up her nose in disgust.

"If you get a single hairy fish while eating around me I will kill you with it." She sneered also joking although her humor can be hard to pick up on. Paul just laughed at her thinking of her trying to do it, and he could see her accomplishing it. He shook his head as they pulled, the place definitely was busy but casual which Jane was happy about. She wasn't exactly the type to go to fancy restaurants, and if she did she usually would get in a fight with an overweight hypocritical businessman in under five minutes...... according to them she's not lady like.

Walking in Janes eyes looked around the place in curiosity as the waitress came over looking Paul up and down. Jane just bit her tongue not really having a right to snap about it. "Table for one?" She asked almost hopefully ignoring Janes presence all together. Paul seemed to pick up on it and glared a bit which to anyone was intimidating.... well besides Jane. "No two." He said gruffly as the waitress nodded a bit fearfully now as she began leading them to a booth in the far back.

"Alright what to drink?" The girl asked nicely again only looking at Paul clearly not sensing he wasn't just in a bad mood he simply was annoyed by her mere presence. "Just Pepsi please." Jane replied bored as she looked at the weird decor that was somewhat fascinating. The girl quickly wrote it down not even glancing at Jane her eyes looked hungrily at Paul who was beginning to get pissed off. "I'll have the same." He sighed not even looking at her and instead watching Janes eyes look around the place.

"Coming right up." She smiled but it quickly died down as she saw him not even giving her the time of day. She rushed to the back and Janes eyes caught her talking to a bunch of other female co workers and snorted. "What's so funny?" Paul asked smirking at her thinking it was cute. "The waitress seems to be quite infatuated with you. So much so she appears to be putting something in my cup." Jane smiled sickly sweet as she saw faintly through the door that the beach blonde was pouring something into her drink.

"Are you serious? I'm just gonna ask for someone else then." Paul practically growled in anger while Jane held a hand up with a smile. "Nah I've got it. I've been itching for a fight all week." She smiled best example like an axe murder on the hunt and it made Paul happy yet worried what she meant. As the blonde walked back over the girl now had eyes on both of them, she purposely pushed the contaminated drink towards Jane. Jane smiled sickly sweet before in a flash turning into baby doll, before anyone could really even say anything Baby doll used her telekinesis. The drink pouring all over the waitress and staining her white shirt a light brown.

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