Chapter 17

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The hangman's daughter always painted what the future would hold, and she never lied

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The hangman's daughter always painted what the future would hold, and she never lied. So that night she painted and painted and by morning Jane came to the surface to see something bone chilling. It was Bella fucking Swan jumping off a cliff or at least at the edge of one. More stress came onto Jane as she wouldn't admit her worry for Charlie in the woods with others where a red headed vampire could easily kill them. Now she had to take care of her idiotic cousin trying to off herself? Plus she had school work that she already struggled to do by herself. But she took the day off of doing her homework and stayed glued to Bella's side.

Bella could be seen getting agitated and even tried to slip away here and there. But Jane wasn't gonna let her go that easy, finally having enough of Janes hovering Bella just stormed outside and into her truck. She quickly locked it and began driving to the cliffs when suddenly Jane sat beside her yet it wasn't Jane. It was that Flit personality and he had used his ability to appear in the truck making Bella scoff. Jane surfaced immediately crossing her arms and looking pissed off. "What the hell Bella? What's killing yourself gonna do? Your just gonna make things even harder on Charlie and he has enough on his plate." Jane seethed as Bella merely ignored her existence.

"It's a thirty minute drive to the cliffs maybe you could explain even just a little bit of your stupid life threatening decision? Like what's the point? Your that depressed? Over some stupid ass hat guy?" Jane snapped and finally Bella stopped biting her lip and looked at Her cousin with pure fury. "He was my soulmate! And I'm not killing myself- I'm gonna see him. When I do things like this I see him." Bella explained gripping the wheel as she finally admitted where her stupid dangerous hobbies were linked to. "So? That day on the bike when I got hurt? That's what made you lose control? That's what made you use Jacobs techniques and to lead him on? Your stupid obsession for a filthy bloody sucker that left you in the damn forest? Are you- OUT OF YOUR GODDAMN MIND! HAVE YOU LOST YOUR LAST BRAIN CELL?!" Jane screamed making Bella flinch but keep her eyes on the road.

Jane continued to yell as they drove Bella giving her the silent treatment and not even acknowledging her existence. Hell Jane was about to chase her cousin down as she tried to hike up to the cliffs but someone pulled her down to the underground. All the personalities stood there arguing and it made Jane freak out that they left her body unattended. "What is this fucking book club? We gotta stop Bella." Jane said making the room go silent as all eyes went to her. "Don't you think she should have a choice?" A voice called out of the crowd making Jane look at them all in disbelief that this is what they were fighting about. "A choice for what?" Jane asked implying it better not be for what she thought it was. "Jane she's been like this for months, plus she hasn't exactly been to kind to any of us let alone you. I say let the dumb bitch jump." Lucy said with pure venom as some agreed and others disagreed. One of them being Dr Harrison.

"She's just a child. She still has so much to look forward to, and this is just one heart break. She will find love again but right now she needs us to help her. Perhaps even my assistance?" She asked looking to Jane who had forbid it since the beginning. "Look I can handle her by myself and I'll take care of this." Jane huffed going back to the train station when a voice called out to her again. "You don't seem very capable at the moment Jane. Your letting emotions take control and we cannot afford that." Jane turned around but now they all stayed silent. It had been about more then just Bella's wishes, but also her own of having Paul. "It's what Kay wants okay? We do what the girl wants." Jane argued but Dr Harrison had to correct her like always. "Correction we do what she needs us to do. Not what she wants. We protect her and everyone in here. Believe me Jane I like Paul just like anyone here but- I thought we were on terms with making these big decisions as a group?" She asked and everyone agreed on that part.

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