Chapter 32

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As the months passed Janes hair continued to grow, she hadn't cut it since the asylum and it felt different

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As the months passed Janes hair continued to grow, she hadn't cut it since the asylum and it felt different. Especially as she lay on Paul's bare chest with his fingers running through it gently. She always kept her hair short as a way of protection, but she felt her guard slowly dropping. All because of Paul and the pack. They were showing her that not all men were monsters.... Not all men only wanted one thing from women.

"We're gonna be married in a week- doesn't that feel crazy?" Paul mumbles but the excitement was there as Janes insides clawed with nerves. The other personalities kept insisting it was mistake, others were more then ready like Karen, and Scarlett. Even baby doll was now excited as Paul would still allow her to get pancakes with Charlie almost every other day. Plus Paul watched kid movies with her all the time and he even took her to get ice cream when she was at the surface and bored.

"I'm always feeling crazy but- that definitely feels crazier..... I never thought this would happen for me with anyone. But- I'm glad it's you." Jane happily says cuddling into him more making him smile along with her.

And just like that the two were wrapping in the sheets again ready for the next round.

Jane found herself actually enjoying sex with Paul, he never rushed and he always asked her if everything was okay.

Things were finally peaceful in their lives letting Jane slowly lower her abrasiveness and accept her happiness.

They still hung out with the pack here and there but the two were slowly becoming obsessed with each other more then they already had been. Leah let it slip to Jane that since her and Paul had started getting intimate it was like he was even more protective and always thinking of her.

It made Jane weary at first to know things had slipped to the pack and it definitely set Hammerhead off. She came forward whenever the topic of intimacy came up around the pack daring them to say anything about the host body. Of course they never would but hammerhead never knew when to relax, she was always on high alert.

"I gotta go to patrol." Paul pouts pulling her closer rather then untangling himself from her. "Don't be late again soon we will be going on our honey moon and you won't have to do it at all." Jane smiles softly knowing he got an earful from Sam since he had been late the last few times.

Paul groans but slowly stands up setting Jane to the side as he begins to leave for the door. As he's about to leave he turns around giving her a kiss goodbye before running out into the woods. Jane felt a smile grow on her face as he ran off into the woods leaving her to her own thoughts.

Jane would say she became somewhat domesticated on the aspect she'd clean and do laundry but cooking was still a struggle.

As Jane begins to cook dinner ready to pack some away for Paul for later a knock comes to the door.

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