Chapter 19

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Day 1 of no Jane

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Day 1 of no Jane

Jane seemed to disappear..... the others looked high and low in the underground for her but it was like she was gone. They knew she was hiding somewhere in there to avoid either them or the aftermath of the Paul situation. When the Cullens brought the two girls home they had been grounded by Charlie. He was unhappy to see Edward carrying his daughter let alone that he pushed past him and took her to her room. Jane just walked in with dragging feet as she felt watched from the woods. She almost fell asleep the second she hit her pillow but she refrained. She lay there eyes staring at the ceiling listening as murmurs were heard on the other side of the wall. Her annoyance for Edweirdo rising as she realized he was probably staying the night.

She soon fell asleep and had nothing but nightmare filled dreams of her time in Italy. The crowds screams after entering the chamber.... There was children in the group. That next morning she expected Paul or someone to have messaged her to lecture her on leaving with the vampires but..... nothing but radio silence. She shook it off being stubborn saying she didn't care when maybe she did and wouldn't say. She was up all day just lounging around boredly. Finally Jane..... stubborn ass Jane Challis decided it was time to cave and just make up with the guy. She called. It rang twice before going to voicemail letting her know someone declined her call.

She tried a second time and it was the same thing but she shook it off and even tried to call Jake. With Jake it rang once before it did the same thing making her sigh. She hung up and began twiddling her fingers in realization, that maybe the pack was done with her for choosing Bella swan first. Jane would lie and say it didn't hurt but it did. Jane stayed that entire day as everyone watched her for any signs of weakness in the underground. She sat there thinking they'd call her back when they weren't busy or something...... but they never did. When Jane went to bed that night and everyone else in the underground did as well she snuck her way inside and began to wonder through memories the best place to hide there.

When the body woke up the next morning no one understood where Jane had gone so the Hangman's daughter stepped forward for the day. She painted outside a colorful painting as her mascara ran down her face from crying. It was raining like it always does in Forks Washington and it was day 1 of no Jane. She painted and painted until she felt watched but even then she ignored it until a figure was in her peripheral vision. "You'll catch a cold out here." Alice spoke with a soft smile walking to the girl who just sniffled and continued to paint the scene in front of her. "My painting is ruined." She sobbed as Alice came and stood beside her looking at it. It wasn't hard to tell the meaning behind the painting as it showed Bella standing with Cullens just like Alice envisioned would happen tonight. Bella taking a vote on becoming a vampire, Edward was gonna make Jane come to help his chances of convincing Bella to stay human.

"I don't think it's ruined...... maybe it all ties in together." Alice said comforting the girl who shook her head but grabbed the painting and walked to the garage. She threw it in there just like all the others she moved to hide in there. "Jane would you like to hangout with my sister and I today?" Alice asked but the hangman's daughter simply continued to walk away. The hangman's daughter shifting quickly so to hammerhead who was ready to make sure they weren't doing anything stupid while Jane was gone. But soon even she was growing impatient with how Jane still hadn't turned up.

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