Chapter 24

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"Oh god I'm going to puke it's hideous

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"Oh god I'm going to puke it's hideous." Jane says with a gag looking at her reflection of her in a dress. "Awe come on Jane, you look so pretty." Alice says fluffing the girls hair that had been curled as well. "Besides you can change after the ceremony. No need to cause a scene." Rosalie scoffs putting her earrings in as she sasses the human girl. "Now listen here you dumb- bit-" Jane says heatedly before Alice stops her and gives Rosalie a look to leave. "Don't mind my sister. She's just jealous she can't have human worries." Alice says lowly not trying to hurt her
sisters feelings or ego.

"If I could I'd willingly give her all 64 of mine." Jane mutters making some in the underground make nasty comments at the dig. "Oh come on.... Time to go." Alice says with a smile trying to ease Jane who's sadness slowly evaporated to excitement. That quickly changed to anger as she knew why she had the sudden mood change. "Tell your freaky husband to stay out of my emotions..... please." She added the last part sickly sweet. The secretary reminded her how if they really wanted they could eat her though she knew Paul would avenge her.

Alice giggled as Jasper clearly said something in the other room as a form of apology. It made Jane gag, "Oh don't be a hypocrite when your probably the same way with your mutt." Rosalie says with piercing eyes trying to intimidate Jane who snorted glaring right back. "Actually no we don't. We don't eye fuck the second we see each other like you leeches." Jane says making her way outside as Rosalie hissed something under her breathe.

"Let's just go and get this over with." Jane says pushing between Edward and Bella who were about to share a kiss. Edward laughed as Bella huffed in annoyance following her cousin to the Volvo. Jane practically bouncing in her seat to get away from the weirdly pale vampires and Bella. As the school came into view Jane let out a sigh of relief before clamoring out and rushing away from Bella and her freaky boyfriend. She ran inside before finding Charlie who spoke with the pack and Billy. "God that was the worst 3 hours of my life. Who does makeup and hair for three hours?" Jane said with distaste as everyone took her in with their mouths nearly touching the floor.

"And they made me look bad on purpose probably huh? To be fair I tried to hold back my comments but-" Jane rambled annoyed thinking she wasted so long of her time to look a mess anyway. "No Jane you- you look really beautiful." Emily admits making the girl blush and look away muttering a thanks. She noticed one wolf missing but she didn't comment as she went to Charlie not wanting him to feel left out. "So? Diner after this right no big party?" Jane clarified making her uncle chuckle awkwardly agreeing. It would be Charlie, Bella, Stick up Bella's ass, and Jane. Since it was supposed to be family only but of course..... Bella didn't care.

"Sorry guys some idiots were hogging the bathro-" Paul said brushing himself off as he wore a nice button up like the rest of the guys knowing they wanted to look presentable for pictures and Emily forced them. But they still wore khaki shorts with some black sneakers that all looks pretty worn out. They'd just take pictures from the waist up.

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