Chapter 13

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Jane laid on her bed looking at the blank ceiling deep in thought of tonight's event

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Jane laid on her bed looking at the blank ceiling deep in thought of tonight's event. She told Paul about her pst and he immediately wanted to seek vengeance for her. She wouldn't admit it to anyone but the way he was so passionate about it, it made a flutter appear in her tummy. Maybe it was the fact he cared or maybe it was just Hammerhead itching to fight a priest. Either way a ghost of a smile on her face that felt foreign, the underground buzzing lowly with murmurs. Her eyes began to shut to go speak to them when the door swung open making her jump up away from the bed wide eyed. A pale tired looking Bella looked confused and concerned as her cousin stood stiffly as far from the bed as possible. Once she caught sight that it was Bella she released a sigh of relief thinking she needed to get out of La La land long enough to lock the door next time.

"Hey um I was just wondering how your date went with Paul?" Bella mumbled yet sounded as if she had any right to know making Jane look her up and down. "It wasn't a date and it was fine. How about your triple date?" Jane mocked walking slowly to sit on the bed knowing Bella was too weak to try anything anyway. "Well that's good.... that it wasn't a date. And neither was mine it was supposed to be a whole group that just kinda bailed." Bella said looking at her feet as Jane stared at her with a bit of annoyance. She hadn't been invited. She's could guess if Mike went it was their friend group from school, hell she even invited Jake and not her. Jane laughed bitterly muttering a simple figures before her eyebrows shut up realizing what else Bella had said.

"Why is it good that I wasn't on a date with Paul?" She asked and the look on Bella's face made her bite her lip harshly to contain herself from lashing out. "He's a player Jane. I don't want to see you getting hurt. Plus he's in a cult according to Jake so you shouldn't associate with him or his little gang." Bella explained like it was common sense only fueling Janes anger as everyone in the underground watched also annoyed with the pale face girl. "That's funny. It almost seems like you think your better then me Bella? Who I make friends with is no concern to you or your little screw buddie. Besides if you were so worried about me hanging out with the wrong crowd you wouldn't have excluded me from the little movie party huh?" Jane sneered balling her fists up to avoid punching her cousin in the face.

"I didn't mean to not invite you. I just forgot. Besides they were my friends first anyway I have a right to want to have some time with friends and not family. Jesus Jane.... I don't know what happened to you but maybe you shouldn't have left the hospital." Bella rambled with a red face obviously also angry. Jane slowly stood off the bed jaw locked and peered closer to her cousins face before laughing coldly. "Sorry the girl who went ape shit over her ex and his family is calling me crazy? The girl using jacob a younger more impressionable teenager for her problems is calling ME crazy? You know what's good for you Bella, you'd walk your pasty ass back to your room now." Jane said in a low emotionless voice towards the end but Bella was stubborn.....

"Whatever you say crazy Jane. Just remember who's house you live in." Bella said scoffing and beginning to walk away when Jane ran forward slamming the door shut trapping Bella inside with her. "You think your so great don't you? That your shit doesn't stink? Do you honestly think I wanted to come here in the first place? Hell had I known I'd be dealing with a complete freak I would have stayed there and endure it then be here with you Bella. Because you can call me crazy all you like but take a look in the mirror, pining yourself for a guy who was WAY out of your league." Jane said taking a threatening step forward as Janes face twisted into a scarier scowl. "Hammerhead let me leave." Bella sighed trying to act unafraid but that only made Jane laugh. "I'm still Jane. You should be happy hammerhead or Katy doesn't surface you'll be dead in seconds. If your smart. Leave now." Jane said her arms shaking as Bella ran out of the room.

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