Chapter 11

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Jane was growing anxious and uncomfortable as the minutes ticked by making her hangout with Paul sooner rather then later

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Jane was growing anxious and uncomfortable as the minutes ticked by making her hangout with Paul sooner rather then later. She even begged whatever god to stop time for a bit but to no avail. Jane didn't see this as a date and simply threw on the first thing she could find, anyone who didn't know her would think she put no effort. But subconsciously she must have tried to look at least decent for the boy.

Tonight she wanted to go see the new violent movie she had seen trailers for Face Punch or something like that. All she knew was it was incredibly violent and that's what she was most excited for. Unaware at this current moment Bella Swan was on her way to get Jacob and go there along with Mike Newton as well.

When loud knocks came from the door Jane had to calm herself before answering to a smiling Paul Lahote. "Ready for our date?" He asked somewhat enthusiastic but also sarcastic. "It's not a date. We are people hanging out." Jane scoffed but Paul felt hurt for a moment before realizing maybe he'd pushed her a little out of her comfort zone. "Your loss I guess.... just kidding where would you like to go first?" He asked just excited to be spending time with her in the first place.

"I have been dying to see this new movie called face punch and it's playing tonight." Jane stated and he looked to her curious before nodding. It didn't surprise him that Jane loved fights more so that she would be fine sitting next to him that whole time considering she usually kept her distance from him. "Hm I guess you got taste Swan. So any idea for after that?" Paul asked hoping to take her around a bit. "Not really why?" She asked almost already suspicious of his intentions. "Well I love spending time in Port Angeles and I know a few good places if you'd like to I mean it is your choice." He said in a rush as she raised an eyebrow.

"What's your idea of fun?" She snipped at the last word but Paul shook his head knowing what she thought he was implying. "Not that Jane. Just maybe get dinner, then go get ice cream for desert. I don't know why you don't trust me Jane but I hope eventually.... you can trust me and know I'm not a bad guy." Paul asked hopeful as he pulled into the parking lot.

"That might take some time..... which I'll give if you don't fuck this up." She said playing but he knew she was deadly serious. "Isn't that Bella's turd of a truck." Paul scoffed and nodded to the hint ugly thing. "Only one way to know it's hers for sure." Jane exclaimed and then looked closely by the bumper where she had carved her initials. Bella still hadn't noticed but Paul let out a low chuckle at it glad she'd defaced Bella's Truck.

"Probably on a date with Jake." Jane scoffed disgusted that they'd do that but Paul's eyes seemed to look in her soul. "Why jealous?" He said heatedly making Jane look at him shocked since she'd only heard of this anger. "No I just think them dating is almost like two siblings since they've known each other long enough." Jane shrugged but for some reason she liked he was jealous but also didn't want him to think she liked Jake.

"Oh god...." Jane said in utter disappointment but before Paul could ask a loud yell came from the busy crowd at the movies. "JANE!?" A hyper Mike Newton shouted looking over the crowd spotting Jane and Paul who looked pissed at the now running hormonal boy. It made him feel better to see Jane didn't look to enthusiastic about it either.

"Oh damn Jane didn't know you were coming to watch with us! Maybe we can-" Mike drifted off seeing Paul's glare but simply shook it off although he was intimidated. "Come on let's go join Bella and Jacob." Mike said happily leading two defeated people behind him. "Look who I found!" Mike shouted and Jacob looked tense seeing Paul Lahote beside Jane. "Let's just get this over with." Jane muttered interrupting Jake and Paul's stare off.


Jane could feel the anger radiating off Paul next to her directed at Mike Newton on the other side of her

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Jane could feel the anger radiating off Paul next to her directed at Mike Newton on the other side of her. Mike had his arm behind her seat and his arm took up Bella's arm rest. It was obvious to the two Quilet boys who sat furthest from each other on the outside that this guy was trying to get either girl.

At one point Mike tried to pinch Janes hair to get her to look at him, he was grossed out by the movie and wanted to make out. As Jane turned in annoyance wanting to see the movie she felt her eyes widen in pure shock as Mike Newton's face came closer to hers. "WHAT DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING MAN WHORE!!" Hammerhead practically roared shooting out of her seat and standing practically on top of him in a threatening matter. It was obvious Mike was embarrassed as people began looking and Paul was LITERALLY growling at him like a weirdo.

"Um I'm just feeling sick sorry!" He said lieing as he began rushing to the bathroom and Hammerhead puffed sitting down putting her feet on the back of someone's headrest a Karen looking woman. The woman about to scold Jane stopped seeing the murderous expression she wore with the buff man beside her looked scary as well so she stayed silent. Paul seemed more relaxed once Mike, Bell and Jake left. "What a fucking pansy... you gonna go hurl too Jackass?" Hammerhead sneered grabbing a handful of popcorn and shoving it in her mouth unlady like which Paul found adorable on Jane but Hammerhead it was more amusing then cute.... like a friend.

"Nah I'm a man I can hold out. Like you said that pansy just had no taste." He smirked stealing her popcorn and laughing as she glared at him. "You got that right. Fucking tool bag tried to kiss me..... I'd rather lick the nasty floor then kiss a pansy." Hammerhead chuckled darkly but Paul felt anger flare up as the memory surfaced. Jane slowly came back a little weary until she realized it was only her and Paul now, Mike was gone. But Paul looked tense and his eyes pierced the screen in a heated glare.

"So.... what are you thinking about in that empty head of yours?" Jane asked making Paul glance at her amused but still angry. "I used to be an impulsive jerk like that.... maybe watching it from this point of view made me see how bad I used to be." Paul sighed whispering as people looked annoyed trying to watch the movie. "Back when you were a man whore? Probably..... but your different now..... right?" Jane asked uneasily and Paul nodded slowly. "Yeah I'm different. Still hurts I guess. People can change though and I want you to know I'm not that same guy." Paul murmured making Jane look thoughtful.

"Why does my opinion matter so much?" Jane asked clueless making Paul chuckle lowly. "You will find out soon but for now just know your important so what you think of me is important." Paul said confidence clear. "Well good luck I see most men as the same thing nasty pigs. But I guess.... Jake and you are not as bad..... but don't try anything I could still kick your tall ass." Jane smirked as everyone was stunned in the underground. Jane seeing something positive in these men was progress but it also terrified them of opening up.

"I bet you could Jane....... And I'd gladly accept a beating from you. I think I'd be honored." Paul smiled making Jane and him laugh quietly earning a shush that Jane whipped around and threatened the guy making Paul just laugh more.

Janes just different.

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